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The Jazz Theory Book. Mark Levine.Oversættelse
The Jazz Theory Book. Mark Levine.Original tekst
The Jazz Theory Book this edition. spiral-bound. The most comprehensive Jazz Theory book ever published. Theory and Jazz. Instructional book. spiral bound. Instructional text, musical examples and black & white photos. 522 pages. Published by Sher Music Company. SR.JTB. ISBN 9781883217044. With instructional text, musical examples and black & white photos. Theory and Jazz. 9x12 inches. The most comprehensive Jazz Theory book ever published. Over 500 pages of text and over 750 musical examples. Written in the language of the working jazz musician, this book is easy to read and user-friendly. At the same time, it is the most comprehensive study of jazz harmony and theory ever published. "The Jazz Theory Book" takes the student from the most basic techniques such as chord construction and the II-V-I progression through scale theory, the blues, "I've Got Rhythm" changes, slash chords, the bebop and pentatonic scales, how to read a lead sheet and memorize tunes and a study of reharmonization that is almost a book in itself. Satisfaction guaranteed or money will be refunded. Mark Levine has worked with Bobby Hutcherson, Cal Tjader, Joe Henderson, Woody Shaw, and many other jazz greats. Endorsements. "This could be the single finest music book of any type I've ever seen. It's certainly the best explanation of the mechanics of jazz, and the amazing depth of the content is matched by the care and accuracy of the presentation. An invaluable resource for all improvising musicians regardless of instrument. "-Bass Player Magazine. "Mark has done it again. The Jazz Theory Book has the clarity that most pedagogical books strive for. This book seems to have left no stone unturned in what one should know about the inner sanctum of jazz theory. The most fruitful information is generally derived from the source and that is the essence of this book. This book is connected to the music of our Jazz Masters. You can't get any better than that. Even the mature musician will find information here. Truly a magnificent accomplishment. "-Rufus Reid. "Mark has done it again and the music world is grateful. This book will help move the understanding of jazz theory and harmony into the 21st century. "-Jamey Aebersold. "Mark Levine has done it again, but this time he has created the most comprehensive and complete theory book I've ever seen. It is really user-friendly and is written in a clear and comfortable style. It has excellent musical examples pertinent to the text and is also very inspiring and gives a lot of practical advice you don't find in most theory books. Again, a great job. Highly recommended. "-Richie Beirach. "As is the case with The Jazz Piano Book, Mark has done a completely thorough job, organizing the material in a very logical and readable manner-highly recommended. "-Dave Liebman. "just what the doctor ordered. Insightful and very well thought out. "-Donald Brown. "Finally, a book on jazz theory and harmony that is very easy to understand yet still covers in great depth just about all of the basics anyone would need to know in order to get started or, in the case of the more advanced player, wonderful information on areas such as playing "outside", reharmonization, keyboard fundamentals, etc. I wish I'd had this book 40 years ago. I think this is the book every musician should own. "-Bobby Shew. "The Jazz Theory Book should be in every musician's library regardless of the level of their ability. "-James Moody. "Once again Mark Levine has made an invaluable contribution to the field of jazz textbooks. The Jazz Theory Book covers a wide range of very useful material. It is quite thorough and complete. Even better. Mark never loses sight of the fact that you use theory in order to play and compose music. Simply a great book. "-Jim McNeely. "This is the best book on jazz theory I have seen to date. The conversational tone of all the text gives the student the feeling of learning from a friend rather than an authoritarian figure. Great stuff. "-Ernie Watts. "A great book.Oversættelse
The Jazz Theory Book denne udgave. spiralryg. Den mest omfattende Jazz Theory bog nogensinde udgivet. Teori og Jazz. Instruktions bog. spiral bundet. Instructional tekst, musikeksempler og sort. 522 sider. Udgivet af Sher Music Company. SR.JTB. ISBN 9781883217044. Med instruktions tekst, musikeksempler og sort. Teori og Jazz. 9x12 inches. Den mest omfattende Jazz Theory bog nogensinde udgivet. Over 500 siders tekst og over 750 musikeksempler. Skrevet på det sprog, den arbejder jazzmusiker, denne bog er let at læse og brugervenlig. Samtidig er det den mest omfattende undersøgelse af jazz harmoni og teori nogensinde er udgivet. "The Jazz Theory Book" tager den studerende fra de mest basale teknikker såsom akkord konstruktion og II-VI progression gennem skala teori, blues, "Jeg har fået Rhythm" ændringer, skråstreg akkorder, den bebop og pentatone skalaer, hvordan at læse en blyplade og huske melodier og en undersøgelse af reharmonization, der er næsten en bog i sig selv. Tilfredshed garanteret eller penge vil blive refunderet. Mark Levine har arbejdet med Bobby Hutcherson, Cal Tjader, Joe Henderson, Woody Shaw, og mange andre jazz greats. Påtegninger. "Dette kunne være den eneste fineste musik bog af enhver type, jeg nogensinde har set. Det er helt sikkert den bedste forklaring på mekanikken i jazz, og den fantastiske dybde af indholdet modsvares af pleje og nøjagtigheden af præsentationen. En uvurderlig ressource for alle improvisationsmusikere uanset instrument. "Bass Player Magazine. "Mark har gjort det igen. The Jazz Theory Book har den klarhed, at de fleste pædagogiske bøger stræbe efter. Denne bog synes at have efterladt noget uforsøgt i hvad man bør vide om det allerhelligste af jazz teori. Den mest frugtbare oplysninger er generelt stammer fra kilden, og det er essensen af denne bog. Denne bog er forbundet med musik af vores Jazz Masters. Du kan ikke få nogen bedre end det. Selv den modne musiker vil finde oplysninger her. Virkelig en storslået bedrift. "-Rufus Reid. "Mark har gjort det igen og musikverdenen er taknemmelig. Denne bog vil hjælpe med at flytte forståelsen af jazz teori og harmoni ind i det 21. århundrede. "-Jamey Aebersold. "Mark Levine har gjort det igen, men denne gang har han skabt den mest omfattende og komplet teori bog, jeg nogensinde har set. Det er virkelig brugervenlig og er skrevet i et klart og komfortabel stil. Det har fremragende musikalske eksempler relevante for teksten og er også meget inspirerende og giver en masse praktiske råd, du ikke finder i de fleste teori bøger. Igen, et stort stykke arbejde. Stærkt anbefales. "Richie Beirach. "Som det er tilfældet med The Jazz Piano Book, har Mark gjort en helt grundigt stykke arbejde, organisere materialet i en meget logisk og læsbar måde, stærkt anbefales. "-Dave Liebman. "Netop hvad lægen beordrede. Indsigtsfulde og meget gennemtænkt. "-Donald Brown. "Endelig en bog om jazz teori og harmoni, der er meget let at forstå alligevel dækker i stor dybde kun om alle de grundlæggende nogen ville behøver at vide for at komme i gang, eller, i tilfælde af de mere avancerede spillere, vidunderlige information om områder som spiller "udenfor", reharmonization, tastatur fundamentals osv. Jeg ville ønske, jeg havde haft denne bog for 40 år siden. Jeg tror, det er den bog hver musiker skulle ejer. "-Bobby Shew. "The Jazz Theory Book bør være i enhver musikers bibliotek uanset omfanget af deres evne. "-James Moody. "Endnu en gang Mark Levine har ydet et uvurderligt bidrag til området for jazz lærebøger. The Jazz Theory Book dækker en bred vifte af meget nyttigt materiale. Det er ganske grundig og fuldstændig. Endnu bedre. Mark taber aldrig synet af, at du bruger teori for at kunne afspille og komponere musik. Blot en stor bog. "-Jim McNeely. "Dette er den bedste bog om jazz teori jeg har set til dato. Den tone af al tekst giver den studerende følelsen af at lære fra en ven i stedet for en autoritær figur. Great stuff. "-Ernie Watts. "En stor bog.Nylige forespørgsler