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Offerings. GIA WindWorks Series. Educational. CD. Published by GIA Publications. GI.G-CD-962. North Texas Wind Symphony. Eugene Migliaro Corporon, conductor. Bolcom. Goto. Grantha Mackey. Marquez. Navarro Puckett. Wagner. Williams. GIA WindWorks represents GIA Publications, Inc. and Eugene Migliaro Corporon and the North Texas Wind Symphony's commitment to recording the very best in wind music. These audiophile quality recordings of these diverse offerings included in the WindWorks series are added to the Composer's Collection, the Teaching Music through Performance in Band recordings, and Master Conductors DVD series to provide the very best models for these important works for bands. This collaboration creates exciting possibilities and allows our artistic output to stay focused on the continued mission. to provide first-class recordings that accentuate the comprehensiveness, depth, and value of the medium and its repertoire. Works included. Downey Overture. 2011. Oscar Navarro. Farewell to Gray. 2001. Donald Grantham. Graceful Ghost Rag. 2010. William Bolcom. Ruffles Call from Afar. 2014. Yo Goto. Huldigungsmarsch. 1864. Richard Wagner. Avelynn's Lullaby. 2011. Joel Puckett. Sonata Allegro. 1949. Clifton Williams. Danzon No. 2. 1994. Arturo Marquez. The Frozen Cathedral. 2013. John Mackey.
Tilbud. GIA WindWorks Series. Pædagogisk. Cd. Udgivet af GIA Publications. GI.G-CD-962. North Texas Wind Symphony. Eugene Migliaro Corporon, dirigent. Bolcom. Goto. Grantha Mackey. Marquez. Navarro Puckett. Wagner. Williams. GIA WindWorks repræsenterer GIA Publications, Inc. og Eugene MIGLIARO Corporon og North Texas Wind Symphony forpligtelse til at optage de allerbedste i vind musik. Disse audiophile kvalitet optagelser fra disse forskellige tilbud indgår i WindWorks tilføjes serie til komponistens Collection, Undervisning Musik gennem Performance i Band optagelser, og Master Dirigenter DVD-udgaven til at levere de allerbedste modeller for disse vigtige værker for bands. Dette samarbejde skaber spændende muligheder og tillader vores kunstneriske produktion at holde fokus på den fortsatte mission. at yde første klasses optagelser, der fremhæver alsidighed, dybde, og værdien af mediet og dets repertoire. Værker, som indgår. Downey Overture. 2011. Oscar Navarro. Farewell to Gray. 2001. Donald Grantham. Graceful Ghost Rag. 2010. William Bolcom. Ruffles Call from Afar. 2014. Yo Goto. Huldigungsmarsch. 1864. Richard Wagner. Avelynn Vuggevise. 2011. Joel Puckett. Sonata Allegro. 1949. Clifton Williams. Danzon No 2. 1994. Arturo Marquez. The Frozen Cathedral. 2013. John Mackey.
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