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Alfred's Basic Adult Piano Course - All-Time Favorites. Level 1. Willard A. Palmer. Voice sheet music. Easy Piano sheet music. Piano Method sheet music. Beginning.


Alfreds Basic Adult Piano Course - All-time favoritter. Level 1. Willard A. Palmer. Voice noder. Let Klaver noder. Piano Method noder. Begyndelse.

Original tekst

Alfred's Basic Adult Piano Course - All-Time Favorites. Level 1. 52 Titles to Play and Sing. Arranged by Willard A. Palmer, Morton Manus, and Dennis Alexander. For easy piano and voice. Method. Instruction. Piano - Alfred's Basic Adult Piano Course. Alfred's Basic Adult Piano Course. Classical and Folk. Difficulty. easy-medium. Collection. Easy piano notation, fingerings and lyrics. on some songs. 96 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.3079. ISBN 0739009095. With easy piano notation, fingerings and lyrics. on some songs. Classical and Folk. 9x12 inches. Designed to supplement Alfred's Basic Adult Piano Course, but may also be used to supplement any piano course. Rich collections of popular folk and country songs, sing-along favorites, holiday songs and arrangements of well-known classics. Designed for use with an instructor, the Adult All-in-One Course is for the beginning student looking for a truly complete piano course. It is a greatly expanded version of Alfred's Basic Adult Piano Course that includes lessons, theory, technique, and additional repertoire in a convenient all-in-one format. This comprehensive course features written assignments that reinforce each lesson's concepts, a smooth, logical progression between each lesson, a thorough explanation of chord theory and playing styles, and outstanding extra songs, including folk, classical, and contemporary selections. At the completion of this course, the student will have learned to play some of the most popular music ever written and will have gained a good understanding of basic musical concepts and styles. Ach, Du Lieber Augustine. Alexander's Ragtime Band. Annie's Song. Anvil Chorus. Auld Lang Syne. Bridal Chorus from "Lohengrin". By the Light of the Silvery Moon. The Campton Races. Chinatown, My Chinatown. Cindy. Clementine. Come Back, Liza. Cuddle Up a Little Closer. Day-O. Espana. Finlandia. For He's a Jolly Good Fellow. Frankie and Johnny. Give My Regards to Broadway. Guantanamera. Happy Birthday to You. Hungarian Dance No. 5. Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2. I Am the Very Model. In the Good Old Summer Time. Let Me Call You Sweetheart. Liebestraum. Londonderry Air. Lullaby. Marche Militaire. My Gal Sal. My Heart At Thy Sweet Voice. My Melancholy Baby. My Wild Irish Rose. Oh. You Beautiful Doll. Piano Concerto in A Minor. Piano Concerto No. 2. Plaisir d'Amour. Put Your Arms Around Me, Honey. Romance from the Serenade. Shine On, Harvest Moon. Solace. Some of These Days. Sunshine On My Shoulders. Sonata Pathetique. Take Me Home, Country Roads. Take Me Out To The Ball Game. Thank God I'm a Country Boy. Waiting for the Robert E. Lee. Waltz, Op. 39, No. 15. When Irish Eyes Are Smiling. "William Tell" Overture.


Alfreds Basic Adult Piano Course - All-time favoritter. Level 1. 52 titler at spille og synge. Arrangeret af Willard A. Palmer, Morton Manus, og Dennis Alexander. For let klaver og stemme. Metode. Instruktion. Piano - Alfreds Basic Adult Piano Course. Alfreds Basic Adult Piano Course. Klassisk og folkemusik. Vanskeligheder. let-medium. Indsamling. Let Klaver notation fingerings og sangtekster. på nogle sange. 96 sider. Udgivet af Alfred Music. AP.3079. ISBN 0739009095. Med nem klaver notation, greb og sangtekster. på nogle sange. Klassisk og folkemusik. 9x12 inches. Designet til at supplere Alfreds Basic Adult Piano Course, men kan også anvendes til at supplere enhver klaver kursus. Rige samlinger af populære folkemusik og country sange, syng-sammen favoritter, ferie sange og arrangementer af kendte klassikere. Designet til brug med en instruktør, Adult All-in-One Course er for begyndelsen studerende på udkig efter en virkelig komplet klaver kursus. Det er en stærkt udvidet udgave af Alfreds Basic Adult Piano kursus, der omfatter undervisning, teori, teknik og ekstra repertoire i en bekvem alt-i-ét format. Denne omfattende kursus indeholder skriftlige opgaver, der styrker hver lektion begreber, en glat, logisk progression mellem hver lektion, en grundig forklaring af akkord teori og spillestile, og udestående ekstra sange, herunder folkemusik, klassisk og moderne valg. Ved afslutningen af ​​dette kursus vil den studerende har lært at spille nogle af de mest populære musik nogensinde skrevet og vil have opnået en god forståelse af de grundlæggende musikalske begreber og stilarter. Åh, kære Augustine. Alexanders Ragtime Band. Annies Song. Anvil Kor. Auld Lang Syne. Brude Kor fra "Lohengrin". Af lyset fra de sølvfarvede Moon. Campton Races. Chinatown, My Chinatown. Cindy. Clementine. Come Back, Liza. Kæle op lidt tættere. Day-O. Espana. Finland. For han er en Jolly Good Fellow. Frankie and Johnny. Hils Broadway. Guantanamera. Happy Birthday til dig. Hungarian Dance No 5.. Hungarian Rhapsody No 2. I Am Very Model. I de gode gamle Summer Time. Jeg ringer Sweetheart. Liebestraum. Londonderry Air. Lullaby. Marche Militaire. My Gal Sal. My Heart Hos Thy søde stemme. My Melancholy Baby. My Wild Irish Rose. Oh. Du Beautiful Doll. Piano Concerto in A Minor. Klaverkoncert nr. 2. Plaisir d'Amour. Put Your Arms Around Me Honey. Romance fra Serenade. Shine On, Harvest Moon. Solace. Nogle af disse dage. Sunshine On My Shoulders. Sonata Pathetique. Take Me Home, Country Roads. Take Me Out To The boldspil. Gudskelov jeg er et land dreng. Venter på Robert E. Lee. Waltz, Op. 39, nr. 15. Når irske øjne smiler. "William Tell" Overture.