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A Tribute to the Armed Services. A Medley. Choir sheet music.
A Tribute to the Armed Services. En Medley. Choir noder.
Original tekst
A Tribute to the Armed Services. A Medley. The Official Songs of the U.S. Army. Marine Corps. Coast Guard. Navy. Air Force. Army Air Corps. and America the Beautiful. Arranged by and orch. Lloyd Larson. Choir Sacred. SATB choir. Choral. Sacred. Choral Octavo. Worship Resources. Church Choral Series. 4th of July. Patriotic. Sacred. Spring. Summer. Grade 4. Choral Octavo. 16 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.30477. A Tribute to the Armed Forces is the only complete medley of official U.S. Military songs. hymns. Using The Army Goes Rolling Along, Marine Corps Hymn, Semper Paratus. Coast Guard. , Anchors Aweigh. Navy. and The U.S. Air Force, Lloyd Larson has created the ultimate hymn of patriotism and homage to our service men and women past and present. Incorporating America the Beautiful as the finale, this medley is ideal for patriotic services, Independence Day, Memorial Day and civic. school programs. Inst. Parts Available. choral. Recorded Acc. Available. The Alfred Church Choral Series. ACCS. includes scripture references and seasonal applications in every octavo. The series includes original works, choral masterworks, and folk, gospel, hymn, and spiritual arrangements. Anchors Aweigh. Semper Paratus. The U.S. Air Force.
A Tribute to the Armed Services. En Medley. De officielle Songs of the US Army. Marine Corps. Coast Guard. Navy. Air Force. Army Air Corps. og Amerika den smukke. Arrangeret af og Orch. Lloyd Larson. Choir Sacred. SATB kor. Kor. Sacred. Choral Octavo. Worship Resources. Kirke Choral Series. 4 juli. Patriotic. Sacred. Forår. Sommer. Grad 4. Choral Octavo. 16 sider. Udgivet af Alfred Music. AP.30477. En hyldest til de væbnede styrker er den eneste komplette medley af officielle amerikanske militære sange. salmer. Brug Hæren Goes rullende langs, Marine Corps Hymn, Semper Paratus. Coast Guard. , Anchors Aweigh. Navy. og US Air Force har Lloyd Larson skabt den ultimative salme af patriotisme og hyldest til vores service mænd og kvinder tidligere og nuværende. Omfattende Amerika Beautiful som finale, dette medley er ideel til patriotiske tjenester, Independence Day, Memorial Day og samfundsmæssige. skoleprogrammer. Inst.. Dele til rådighed. choral. Optaget Nøjagtig. Tilgængelig. Alfred Kirke Choral Series. ACCS. omfatter skriftstedshenvisninger og årstidens applikationer i hver oktav. Serien omfatter originale værker, kor mesterværker og folkemusik, gospel, salme og åndelige arrangementer. Anchors Aweigh. Semper Paratus. US Air Force.
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