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God of Heaven. Heather Sorenson. Choir sheet music.Oversættelse
Himmelens Gud. Heather Sorenson. Choir noder.Original tekst
God of Heaven composed by Heather Sorenson. For Choral. SATB. Glory Sound. Sacred. 12 pages. Published by Glory Sound. HL.35026703. ISBN 1423486781. sacred. 6.75x10.5 inches. Uses. General, Trinity Sunday. Scripture. Psalm 29. Isaiah 6. 1-8. Revelation 4. 1-11. John 16. 12-15. This anthem is something very special from composer Heather Sorenson. With a fresh compositional style, this writer is establishing a new voice for the sanctuary choir. Celebrate the mystery and majesty of God with this fascinating anthem which comes with an orchestral option along with the well-crafted piano accompaniment. Profound. Available separately. SATB, iPrint Full Orch CD-ROM, StudioTrax CD. Duration. ca. 19.Oversættelse
Himlens Gud komponeret af Heather Sorenson. For Choral. SATB. Glory Sound. Sacred. 12 sider. Udgivet af Glory Sound. HL.35026703. ISBN 1423486781. hellig. 6.75x10.5 inches. Bruger. General, Trinity søndag. Skriften. Salme 29. Esajas 6. 1-8. Åbenbaringen 4. 1-11. John 16. 12-15. Denne hymne er noget helt specielt fra komponisten Heather Sorenson. Med en frisk kompositorisk stil, er denne forfatter etablere en ny stemme for helligdommen kor. Fejr mysteriet og majestæt Gud med denne fascinerende hymne, som kommer med et orkesterværk option sammen med godt udformet klaverakkompagnement. Gennemgribende. Fås separat. SATB, iPrint Full Orch CD-ROM, StudioTrax cd. Varighed. CA. 19.Nylige forespørgsler