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Jazz Scale Workout. Electric Guitar sheet music. Advanced.


Jazz Scale Workout. Elektrisk Guitar noder. Avanceret.

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Jazz Scale Workout composed by Ken Karsh. For Guitar. All. Saddle-stitched, Technic. Workout. Jazz. Intermediate-Advanced. Book. 32 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.20525. ISBN 9780786670925. Jazz. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. In the pursuit of improvisation. jazz or other styles. , scales are the 'palettes' utilized for creating melodies. Often, scales are only practiced ascending or descending step-wise. 'Jazz Scale Workout' by Ken Karsh contains eight measure through-composed continuous eighth note exercises. or 'workouts'. utilizing 'jazz style' melodies based around the Major, Dorian. minor seventh. , Mixolydian. Dominant. , and Super-Locrian. Altered Dominant. scales - the most common scales in the jazz idiom. Four basic guitar fingerings for each scale are provided for the foundation of these exercises. Since these scales are the basis for improvising over the frequently utilized ii-V-I progression, the final 'workouts' found in this publication cover this area. There are two 'workouts' provided for each scale form-one with only the scale tones. labeled 'Diatonic'. and the other with 'outside' chromatic tones resolving to the diatonic scale tones. labeled 'Chromatic'. The 'workouts' can and should be tried with different fingerings and should be played in all keys for maximum benefit. 'Jazz Scale Workout' provides an enjoyable 'finger and mental fitness program' for guitarists interested in expanding their scale awareness in the jazz idiom. 01 Introduction. 02 Major Scale Fingerings. 03 Major Scale Workouts. Form S6. F2. 04 Major Scale Workouts. Form S5. F2. 05 Major Scale Workouts. Form S6. F4. 06 Major Scale Workouts. Form S5. F4. 07 Dorian Mode Fingerings. 08 Dorian Mode Workouts. Form S6. F1. 09 Dorian Mode Workouts. Form S5. F1. 10 Dorian Mode Workouts. Form S6. F4. 11 Dorian Mode Workouts. Form S5. F4. 12 Mixolydian Mode Fingerings. 13 Mixolydian Mode Workouts. Form S6. F2. 14 Mixolydian Mode Workouts. Form S5. F2. 15 Mixolydian Mode Workouts. Form S6. F4. 16 Mixolydian Mode Workouts. Form S5. F4. 17 Super Locrian Mode Fingerings. 18 Super Locrian Mode Workouts. Form S6. F1. 19 Super Locrian Mode Workouts. Form S5. F1. 20 Super Locrian Mode Workouts. Form S6. F3. 21 Super Locrian Mode Workouts. Form S5. F3. 22 ii min7-V7-I Workouts. Form S6. F2. 23 ii min7-V7-I Workouts. Form S5. F2. 24 ii min7-V7-I Workouts. Form S6. F4. 25 ii min7-V7-I Workouts. Form S5. F4. 26 Acknowledgements. 27 About the Author.


Jazz Scale Workout komponeret af Ken Karsh. For Guitar. Alle. Ryghæftede, Technic. Workout. Jazz. Intermediate-Advanced. Bog. 32 sider. Udgivet af Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.20525. ISBN 9780786670925. Jazz. 8,75 x 11,75 inches. I jagten på improvisation. jazz eller andre stilarter. , Skalaer er de "paletter" udnyttes til at skabe melodier. Ofte er skalaer kun praktiseres stigende eller faldende trinvis. 'Jazz Scale Workout' af Ken Karsh indeholder otte mål gennem-komponeret kontinuerlig ottendedelsnode øvelser. eller 'træning'. udnytte 'jazz Style' melodier baseret omkring den Major, Dorian. mindre syvende. , Mixolydian. Dominerende. , Og Super-Locrian. Altered Dominant. skalaer - de mest almindelige skalaer i jazz formsprog. Fire grundlæggende guitar greb for hver skala er fastsat for grundlaget for disse øvelser. Da disse skalaer er grundlag for at improvisere over ofte udnyttes II-VI progression, det sidste »træning« findes i denne publikation dækker dette område. Der er to 'træning, der er givet for hver skala formular-en med kun skala toner. mærket 'Diatoniske'. og den anden med 'udenfor' kromatiske toner løse de diatonisk skala toner. mærket 'kromatisk'. De "træning" kan og bør være forsøgt med forskellige greb og bør spilles i alle taster for maksimalt udbytte. »Jazz Scale Workout 'giver en fornøjelig' finger og psykisk egnethed program" for guitarister interesseret i at udvide deres bevidsthed skala i jazz formsprog. 01 Indledning. 02 Major Scale Fingerings. 03 durskalaen gange. Form S6. F2. 04 durskalaen gange. Form S5. F2. 05 durskalaen gange. Form S6. F4. 06 durskalaen gange. Form S5. F4. 07 doriske Fingerings. 08 doriske gange. Form S6. F1. 09 doriske gange. Form S5. F1. 10 doriske gange. Form S6. F4. 11 doriske gange. Form S5. F4. 12 Mixolydisk Fingerings. 13 Mixolydisk gange. Form S6. F2. 14 Mixolydisk gange. Form S5. F2. 15 Mixolydisk gange. Form S6. F4. 16 Mixolydisk gange. Form S5. F4. 17 Super Lokrisk Fingerings. 18 Super Lokrisk gange. Form S6. F1. 19 Super Lokrisk gange. Form S5. F1. 20 Super Lokrisk gange. Form S6. F3. 21 Super Lokrisk gange. Form S5. F3. 22 ii min7-V7-I gange. Form S6. F2. 23 ii min7-V7-I gange. Form S5. F2. 24 ii min7-V7-I gange. Form S6. F4. 25 ii min7-V7-I gange. Form S5. F4. 26 Anerkendelser. 27 Om forfatteren.