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First Sonata Album. Keith Snell. Piano Solo sheet music. Intermediate.Oversættelse
Første Sonata Album. Keith Snell. Noder Klaver solo. Intermediate.Original tekst
First Sonata Album composed by Keith Snell. For piano. Collection. Neil A. Kjos Master Composer Library. Intermediate. Collection. Published by Neil A. Kjos Music Company. KJ.GP406. This collection introduces students to sonatas of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. Keith snell has carefully chosen two sonatas by each composer appropriate for an advancing student's first experiences in playing sonatas of the classical period. The Neil A. Kjos Master Composer Library, selected and edited by Keith Snell, is comprised of unique editions of the most popular piano teaching repertoire. Clavier Magazine calls it "an outstanding teaching series. " All books are attractively priced for students representing an outstanding value. Compact disc recordings by Diane Hidy, Nelita True, and Hans Boepple follow the editing, emulating a beautiful and practical model for students. Sonata in F Minor, Op. 2, No. 1. Sonata in G, Op. 79Presto alla tedesca. Andante. Vivace. Sonata in D, Hob. XVI. 37. Sonata in E Minor, Hob. XVI. 34. Sonata in C, K. 330. Sonata in F, K. 280.Oversættelse
Første Sonata Album komponeret af Keith Snell. For klaver. Indsamling. Neil A. Kjos Master Composer Library. Intermediate. Indsamling. Udgivet af Neil A. Kjos Music Company. KJ.GP406. Denne samling introducerer eleverne til sonater af Haydn, Mozart og Beethoven. Keith Snell har nøje udvalgt to sonater af hver komponist passende for en fremrykkende studerendes første erfaringer i at spille sonater af den klassiske periode. Den Neil A. Kjos Master Composer Library, udvalgt og redigeret af Keith Snell, består af unikke udgaver af de mest populære klaver undervisningsrepertoire. Clavier Magazine kalder det "en fremragende undervisning serie. "Alle bøger er attraktivt prissat for studerende, der repræsenterer en enestående værdi. Compact disc optagelser af Diane hidy, Nelita sandt, og Hans Boepple følger redigering, der emulerer et smukt og praktisk model for studerende. Sonate i f-mol, opus 2, nr. 1. Sonate i G, opus 79Presto til tysk. Andante. Lively. Sonate i D, Hob. XVI. 37. Sonate i E Minor, Hob. XVI. 34. Sonate i C, K. 330. Sonate i F, K. 280.Nylige forespørgsler