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Festival Performance Solos - Volume 2. Trumpet. B-Flat Trumpet sheet music. Trumpet Solo sheet music.Oversættelse
Festival Ydelse Solos - Volume 2. Trompet. B-Flat Trumpet noder. Noderne Trumpet Solo.Original tekst
Festival Performance Solos - Volume 2. Trumpet. for trumpet solo. Carl Fischer Festival Performance Solos. Classical. Trumpet solo book. Standard notation. 32 pages. Published by Carl Fischer. CF.O5541. ISBN 0825845483. With standard notation. Classical. 9x12 inches. Contains these pieces and more. The Carl Fischer catalog is a treasure trove of solos for all the major band and orchestral instruments. Many of these titles have gained the special recognition that being selected for a state required music list or festival list confers on a piece of music. We are pleased to offer these new collections for Flute, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone and Violin. Each instrument is provided with two volumes of solos progressively arranged to challenge the student as he or she develops as a player. Selected and compiled by Andrew Balent, each of the pieces included in these books is contained on one or more state contest list and many have been difficult to obtain. Piano accompaniments for all the solos in each volume are provided in a separate book for each instrument. Getting the solos your customers have been asking for just became as easy as checking the contents of the books in Carl Fischer's Festival Performance Solos series. Sonata. Chiapanecas. Call. Trixie Valse. Andante et Allegro. Concert Piece.Oversættelse
Festival Ydelse Solos - Volume 2. Trompet. for trompet solo. Carl Fischer Festival Ydelse Solos. Klassisk. Trumpet solo bog. Standard notation. 32 sider. Udgivet af Carl Fischer. CF.O5541. ISBN 0825845483. Med standard notation. Klassisk. 9x12 inches. Indeholder disse stykker og mere. Carl Fischer kataloget er en guldgrube af soloer for alle de store band og orkester-instrumenter. Mange af disse titler har opnået den særlige anerkendelse, at blive udvalgt til en stat ønsket musik liste eller festival liste giver et stykke musik. Vi er glade for at tilbyde disse nye kollektioner for fløjte, klarinet, Altsaxofon, Trompet, Basun og Violin. Hvert instrument er forsynet med to volumener soloer gradvist indrettet til at udfordre den studerende, som han eller hun udvikler sig som en spiller. Udvalgt og samlet af Andrew Balent, hver af de stykker, der indgår i disse bøger er indeholdt på en eller flere statslige contest liste, og mange har været vanskeligt at opnå. Piano akkompagnementer for alle soloer i hvert bind findes i en separat bog for hvert instrument. Kom de soloer dine kunder har efterspurgt blev lige så let som at tjekke indholdet af bøgerne i Carl Fischers Festival ydeevne Solos serie. Sonata. Chiapanecas. Opkald. Trixie Valse. Andante et Allegro. Concert Piece.Nylige forespørgsler