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Fact or Fiction. The Christmas Edition. bulk CDs. Celeste Clydesdale. Choir sheet music. Intermediate.Oversættelse
Fakta eller fiktion. The Christmas Edition. bulk-cd'er. Celeste Clydesdale. Choir noder. Intermediate.Original tekst
Fact or Fiction. The Christmas Edition. bulk CDs. composed by Celeste Clydesdale. Arranged by David Clydesdale. For unison. 2-part children's choir. 1 adult male, 10 children's speaking parts. Children's musical. Christmas. Difficulty. moderate. Bulk CDs. pack of 10. Published by Lillenas Publishing Company. LP.765762177222. ISBN 7-65762-17722-2. Christmas. When two teams go head-to-head in a game show contest designed to help needy families at Christmas, they also come face-to-face with big character lessons. They learn the value of teamwork, the danger of pride, how Jesus helps us overcome fear - and that when we apply truth to our lives, God changes our hearts through the power of Jesus Christ. With fun, kid-friendly arrangements and a wide variety of speaking roles for children, this fast-paced 42-minute musical is sure to be a hit among adults and children alike. The Director's Resource includes lesson plans, full demonstration DVD, movement demonstration DVD, backstage walkthrough and a multimedia option.Oversættelse
Fakta eller fiktion. The Christmas Edition. bulk-cd'er. komponeret af Celeste Clydesdale. Arrangeret af David Clydesdale. For unisont. 2-delte børnekor. 1 voksen mand, 10 børns talende dele. Børns musical. Julen. Vanskeligheder. moderat. Bulk-cd'er. pakke med 10. Udgivet af Lillenas Publishing Company. LP.765762177222. ISBN 7-65762-17722-2. Julen. Når to hold gå head-to-head i et spil show contest designet til at hjælpe trængende familier i julen, de også stå ansigt til ansigt med store tegn lektioner. De lærer værdien af teamwork, faren for stolthed hvordan Jesus hjælper os med at overvinde frygten - og at når vi anvender sandheden til vores liv, ændrer Gud vore hjerter gennem kraften af Jesu Kristi. Med sjov, børnevenlige arrangementer og en bred vifte af talende roller til børn, denne tempofyldt 42 minutters musikalsk helt sikkert blive et hit blandt både voksne og børn. Direktørens Resource omfatter lektionsplaner, fuld demonstration DVD, bevægelse demonstration DVD, backstage gennemgang og en MMS option.Nylige forespørgsler