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Holy Holy Holy. To Thee We Sing. John Bacchus Dykes. Piano Solo sheet music.Oversættelse
Holy Holy Holy. Til Dig We Sing. John Bacchus Dykes. Noder Klaver solo.Original tekst
Holy Holy Holy. To Thee We Sing. composed by John Bacchus Dykes. Arranged by April Rundquist. For Piano. Christian, Contemporary Christian, Sacred. Published by April Ann Rundquist. S0.25302. "This has always been a very visual arrangement for me with a rough narrative. It starts with the trumpets at the end of the world, the sense of quiet expectation. Wind across a field. It drops off into the silence of outer space. The initial theme presented against that impersonal void, knowing that He's out there, somewhere. Some of this is very difficult for me to describe because this is really about the Triune God, the great creative power, the mover in harmony and cooperation with Himself. The second verse is more grand, the love, the sense of story. And then it gets very, very big, in the way that I AM is always in capitals. ""Who WAS and IS and evermore shall BE. "" And in my mind that word BE is light, and just explodes against the blackness into a billion sparkles. And we shrink down to the microcosm for a moment, the wonders of His creative power in the tiny worlds, and it fades to the black of space again. ""Holy, Holy, Holy, though the darkness hide Thee. "" The Light that we can't see that would outshine all the stars. More beauty, and then we tumble down the waterfall of Living Water from the Throne of God.. in Heaven. The golden palaces and the wonder, the unearthliness, the richness of the life. For a moment it's more simple and I'm reminded of an old hymn being sung in a rustic church. Then a vision of the Cosmic Christ from Revelation giving a benediction, and we're plunged into the chorus of Heaven, the new song of the 144,000. "". this part sounds really good on an acoustic piano because the sound physically builds on itself. And it ends as it began. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere. Just purchase, print and play. View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go. With Digital Print, you can print your digital sheet music immediately after purchase, or wait until its convenient. And our software installation is easy - we'll guide you through the simple steps to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR and the Sheet Music Plus AIR application.Oversættelse
Holy Holy Holy. Til Dig We Sing. komponeret af John Bacchus Dykes. Arrangeret i april Rundquist. For Piano. Christian, Moderne kristen, Sacred. Udgivet i april Ann Rundquist. S0.25302. Det har altid været en meget visuel arrangement for mig med en ru fortælling. Det starter med Trompeterne i slutningen af verden, følelsen af ro forventning. Vind tværs af et felt. Det falder ud i tavshed af det ydre rum. Den oprindelige tema præsenterede mod denne upersonlige tomrum, vel vidende at han er derude, et sted. Noget af dette er meget svært for mig at beskrive, fordi det er virkelig om den treenige Gud, den store skabende magt, mover i harmoni og samarbejde med sig selv. Det andet vers er mere storslået, den kærlighed, følelsen af historien. Og så det bliver meget, meget stor, i den måde, I AM er altid i hovedstæder. Hvem var og er og al evighed skal være. Og i mit sind, at ordet BE er lys, og bare eksploderer mod mørket i en milliard funkler. Og vi skrumpe ned til mikrokosmos et øjeblik, vidundere Hans kreative kraft i de små verdener, og det svinder til den sorte af rummet igen. Hellig, hellig, hellig, selvom mørket skjule Dig. Lyset, som vi ikke kan se, at ville overstråle alle de stjerner. Mere skønhed, og så må vi tumler ned vandfaldet levende vand fra Guds trone.. i himlen. De gyldne paladser og spekulerer, den unearthliness, rigdommen af livet. Et øjeblik er det mere enkelt, og jeg bliver mindet om en gammel salme bliver sunget i en rustik kirke. Så en vision om den kosmiske Kristus fra Åbenbaringen giver en velsignelse, og vi kastet ud i koret af Himlen, den nye sang af 144.000. "". denne del lyder rigtig godt på et akustisk klaver, fordi lyden fysisk bygger på sig selv. Og det ender som det begyndte. Digital Print er printbare noder rådighed når som helst, hvor som helst. Bare køb, print og leg. Se din online noder derhjemme, skole, arbejde eller hvor som helst du har en computer tilsluttet til internettet. Brug vores iPad app til at se dine digitale noder på farten. Med Digital Print kan du udskrive din digitale noder umiddelbart efter købet, eller vente, indtil dets bekvemme. Og vores installation software er let - vi vil guide dig gennem de enkle trin til at sikre, at du har Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR og Noder Plus AIR-program.Nylige forespørgsler