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The Ernie Watts Quartet - Live. Ernie Watts.Oversættelse
Ernie Watts Quartet - Levende. Ernie Watts.Original tekst
The Ernie Watts Quartet - Live by Ernie Watts. Live. DVD. DVD. MVD #DJ-896. Published by MVD. HL.321064. Through the 1970s and still today, Ernie Watts signature sound has found its way on to the recordings of music's biggest names such as Arturo Sandoval, Sergio Mendez and Toots Thielmans to name but a few. His strengths however are much more ubiquitous than the jazz realm, having played on sessions for pop's most respected artists, namely, Quincy Jones, Whitney Houston, Frank Zappa, Bonnie Raitt, and the Rolling Stones 1981 U.S. Tour. This performance featuring Ernie Watts on saxophone, Joe Debartalow on bass, Bob Laderbarrow on drums, and Pat Qual on keyboards was filmed at St. Anthony Main Street Festival in 1986. Songs performed include. Bullet Train. Skylark. and more. 1 hour.Oversættelse
Ernie Watts Quartet - Live af Ernie Watts. Lev. DVD. DVD. МВД. Udgivet af MVD. HL.321064. Gennem 1970'erne og stadig i dag har Ernie Watts signatur lyd fundet vej videre til optagelser af musikkens største navne såsom Arturo Sandoval, Sergio Mendez og Toots Thielmans at nævne nogle få. Hans styrker er dog langt mere allestedsnærværende end jazz rige, at have spillet på sessioner for pop mest respekterede kunstnere, nemlig Quincy Jones, Whitney Houston, Frank Zappa, Bonnie Raitt, og Rolling Stones 1981 US Tour. Denne præstation byder Ernie Watts på saxofon, Joe Debartalow på bas, Bob Laderbarrow på trommer, og Pat Qual på tastaturer blev filmet på St. Anthony Main Street Festival i 1986. Sange udførte omfatter. Bullet Train. Skylark. og mere. 1 time.Nylige forespørgsler