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12-String Guitar Techniques. Happy Traum. Guitar sheet music.Oversættelse
12-strenget guitar Techniques. Glad Traum. Guitar noder.Original tekst
12-String Guitar Techniques by Happy Traum. For Guitar. Instructional. Guitar. DVD. DVD. Homespun #DVDHAPTW21. Published by Homespun. HL.641850. ISBN 1597730378. 5.3x7.5 inches. The powerful sounds and songs of Leadbelly, Pete Seeger, Blind Willie McTell and others resound through the 12-string guitar. This lesson teaches the walking basses, dynamic rhythms, full chords and fingerpicking innovations that can be used on this wonderful instrument. It includes classic blues, rags, folk songs and instrumentals. 90-MIN.Oversættelse
12-strenget guitar teknik i Glade Traum. For Guitar. Instruerende. Guitar. DVD. DVD. Домотканый. HL.641850. ISBN 1597730378. 5.3x7.5 inches. De kraftige lyde og sange af Leadbelly, Pete Seeger, Blind Willie McTell og andre genlyd gennem 12-strenget guitar. Denne lektion lærer de walking bas, dynamiske rytmer, fuld akkorder og fingerpicking innovationer, der kan bruges på denne vidunderlige instrument. Det omfatter klassiske blues, klude, folkesange og instrumentalnumre. 90 MIN.Nylige forespørgsler