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The Real Honky Tonk Piano. Tim Alexander. Piano Method sheet music.Oversættelse
The Real Honky Tonk Piano. Tim Alexander. Piano Method noder.Original tekst
The Real Honky Tonk Piano for Piano. Keyboard. Homespun Tapes. DVD. Homespun #DVDTIMKB21. Published by Homespun. HL.641854. ISBN 1597730416. 5.25x7.5 inches. The long-time keyboardist for Asleep at the Wheel expertly analyzes the licks and solos of the greats of the western swing and honky tonk era. He details the authentic techniques needed to play like a pro. intervals, chords, arpeggios, octaves, bass lines, trumpet-style piano and more. Includes complete breakdowns of songs such as. Stay a Little Longer. I Had a Little Mule. and more. 90-MIN. INCLUDES MUSIC.Oversættelse
The Real Honky Tonk Piano for klaver. Keyboard. Homespun Tapes. DVD. Грубый. HL.641854. ISBN 1597730416. 5.25x7.5 inches. Den lange tid keyboardspiller for søvn ved rattet mesterligt analyserer licks og soloer af de helt store i den vestlige swing og honky tonk æra. Han beskriver de autentiske teknikker er nødvendig for at spille som en pro. intervaller, akkorder, arpeggios, oktaver, bas, trompet-stil klaver og mere. Inkluderer komplet nedbrud af sange såsom. Blive lidt længere. Jeg havde lidt Mule. og mere. 90 MIN. Omfatter musik.Nylige forespørgsler