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Wee Sing Sing-Alongs.Oversættelse
Wee Sing Sing-alongs.Original tekst
Wee Sing Sing-Alongs arranged by Pamela Conn Beall and Susan Hagen Nipp. This edition. Paperback. Classroom. Pre-School. General Music and Classroom Publications. Other Classroom. Sing-Along. Wee Sing. 61 songs to sing with family and friends. Children's. Book & CD. 64 pages. Duration Over one hour. Published by Alfred Music. AP.74-0843113617. ISBN 0843113618. Children's. 8 1. 2" x 5 1. 2" inches. Clap to spirituals, blend your voices with rounds, and sing along to old favorites like "I've Been Working' on the Railroad" and "She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain. " Then relax a bit with slower songs like "He's Got the Whole World" and "Down in the Valley. " Both kids and adults are heard in great renditions of favorite songs that have been sung for generations, all accompanied by fun instruments from the harmonica to the tuba. Whether singing along in the car or gathered around the campfire with friends, this collection is a sing-along treasure. Recorded Acc. Available. Wee Sing materials enrich the cognitive, physical, and social development of young children. Through songs, chants, movement, and rhythms, children can gain the readiness skills of language development, coordination, auditory discrimination, body awareness, rhythmic proficiency, and self confidence. The More We Get Together. Vive la Compagnie. Hey, Lolly, Lolly. Smile. Today is Monday. Clementine. Sarasponda. The Upward Trail. Down by the Old Millstream. Zum Gali Gali. I've Been Working On The Railroad. She'll be Comin' Round the Mountain. Oh, Susanna. We Won't Go Home Until Morning. Oh, When the Saints. Joshua Fought The Battle Of Jericho. Get On Board, Little Children. Heav'n, Heav'n. Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen. Jacob's Ladder. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Rocka My Soul. One More River. Rise And Shine. Kookaburra. Why Shouldn't My Goose. Frog Round. White Coral Bells. Scotland's Burning. Little Tom Tinker. Down By The Station. Are You Sleeping. Row, Row, Row Your Boat. Three Blind Mice. Reuben And Rachel. Sweetly Sings The Donkey. Chairs to Mend. A Ram Sam Sam. Dona nobis. For Health and Strength. Make New Friends. Come, Follow. Oh, How Lovely. Sing Together. Hey HO. Nobody Home. Music Alone Shall Live. Let Us Sing Together. He's Got The Whole World. Kum Ba Ya. Tell Me Why. Michael, Row The Boat Ashore. Down in the Valley. Oh, Shenandoah. I Know Where I'm Goin'. The Riddle Song. Wayfaring Stranger. I Love the Mountains. Sing Your Way Home. Ev'ry Night When the Sun Goes In. Now The Day Is Over. Day Is Done.Oversættelse
Wee Sing Sing-alongs arrangeret af Pamela Conn Beall og Susan Hagen Nipp. Denne udgave. Paperback. Klasseværelse. Pre-School. General Musik og Classroom Publications. Andre Classroom. Sing-Along. Wee Sing. 61 sange at synge med familie og venner. Børns. Bog. Varighed over en time. Udgivet af Alfred Music. AP.74-0843113617. ISBN 0843113618. Børns. 8 1. 2 "x 5 1. 2 "inches. Klap til spirituals, blend dine stemmer med runder, og synge med på gamle favoritter som "Jeg har arbejdet 'på Railroad" og "hun vil være Comin' Round the Mountain. "Så slappe lidt med langsommere sange som" Han har hele verden "og" nede i dalen. "Både børn og voksne bliver hørt i store gengivelser af yndlingssange, der er blevet sunget i generationer, alle ledsaget af sjove instrumenter fra harmonika til tuba. Uanset om at synge sammen i bilen eller samlet omkring bålet med venner, denne kollektion er en sing-along skat. Optaget Nøjagtig. Tilgængelig. Wee Sing materialer berige den kognitive, fysiske og sociale udvikling af små børn. Gennem sange, chants, bevægelser og rytmer, kan børnene få parathed færdigheder sprog udvikling, koordinering, auditive diskrimination, kropsbevidsthed, rytmisk sprogfærdighed, og selvtillid. Jo mere vi Get Together. Vive la Compagnie. Hey, Lolly, Lolly. Smile. I dag er det mandag. Clementine. Sarasponda. Den opadgående Trail. Nede ved den gamle Millstream. Zum Gali Gali. Jeg har arbejdet på jernbanen. Hun vil blive Comin 'Round the Mountain. Åh, Susanna. Vi vil ikke gå hjem før Morgen. Åh, Da de hellige. Joshua udkæmpede slaget Of Jericho. Get On Board, små børn. Heav'n, Heav'n. Nobody Knows The Trouble jeg har set. Jakobsstige. Swing Low Sweet Chariot. Rocka My Soul. One More River. Rise And Shine. Kookaburra. Hvorfor skal ikke min Goose. Frog Round. White Coral Bells. Skotlands Burning. Lille Tom Tinker. Down By The Station. Sover du. Row, Row, Row din båd. Tre Blinde Mus. Reuben Rakel. Sødt Sings The Donkey. Stole at reparere. En Ram Sam Sam. Dona Nobis. For sundhed og styrke. Få nye venner. Kom, Følg. Åh, hvor dejligt. Syng Sammen. Hey HO. Nobody Hjem. Music Alone skal leve. Lad os synge sammen. Han har hele verden. Kum Ba Ya. Tell Me Why. Michael, Row The Boat Ashore. Nede i dalen. Åh, Shenandoah. Jeg ved, hvor jeg er Goin '. The Riddle Song. Wayfaring Stranger. Jeg elsker bjergene. Syng Your Way Home. Ev'ry Night Når Solen Går I. Nu dagen er omme. Dagen er færdig.Nylige forespørgsler