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Music for Fun.Oversættelse
Musik til Fun.Original tekst
Music for Fun. For Pre-K Through 2nd Grade Classes. Teacher's Edition. By With Bob McGrath, "Bob on Sesame Street," and Marilyn Copeland Davidson. This edition. Teacher's Edition. Artist. Personality. Classroom. Pre-School. Other Classroom. Song and Activity Book. Book & CD. 96 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.BMR07009CD. ISBN 0769294839. Bob McGrath, beloved by children and teachers for his performances on the popular "Sesame Street" TV series for more than thirty years, has worked with Marilyn Davidson, authority in the field of music education, to write this very creative music curriculum for children ages 4 - 8. Seven appealing songs recorded by Bob McGrath appear on the included CD, and these songs are the basis for the seven lessons. Four other songs appear in the book as well as the CD to illustrate various musical styles, and the long-time favorite "Sing," with signing gestures included, is the encore. Students have their own book also. it's in full color and includes punch-out puppets to use with music listening activities. These lessons were prepared to help teachers provide a conceptually balanced and meaningful, yet light-hearted, music class. All Music for Fun materials are correlated to the MENC National Music Standards for Early Childhood, K-4. The Bob McGrath Rhythm Instrument Kit is available from Rhythm Band Instruments at www. rhythmband. com. Flyin. Your Face. Dinosaur Swing. Everyone Asked About You. Zip Zing Flip Flop. Silly Kinda Day. Skip to My Lou. Read Me A Story. There's a Little Wheel A-Turnin'. When The Saints Go Marching In.Oversættelse
Musik til Fun. For Pre-K Gennem 2. klasser. Teacher Edition. Af med Bob McGrath, "Bob på Sesame Street", og Marilyn Copeland Davidson. Denne udgave. Teacher Edition. Kunstner. Personlighed. Klasseværelse. Pre-School. Andre Classroom. Song og Activity Book. Bog. Udgivet af Alfred Music. AP.BMR07009CD. ISBN 0769294839. Bob McGrath, elsket af børn og lærere til hans præstationer på den populære "Sesame Street" tv-serie i mere end tredive år, har arbejdet med Marilyn Davidson, myndighed på området for musik uddannelse, at skrive denne meget kreative musik pensum for børn i alderen 4-8. Syv tiltalende sange indspillet af Bob McGrath vises på den medfølgende cd, og disse sange er grundlaget for de syv lektioner. Fire andre sange vises i bogen, samt cd'en for at illustrere forskellige musikalske stilarter, og det lang tid favorit "Sing", med underskrive fagter inkluderet, er det encore. Eleverne har deres egen bog også. det er i fuld farve og omfatter udstanset marionetter til brug med musik lytning aktiviteter. Disse erfaringer var rede til at hjælpe lærerne giver et konceptuelt afbalanceret og meningsfuld, men muntre, musik klasse. Al musik for Fun materialer korreleret til MenC nationale Music standarder for Early Childhood, K-4. Bob McGrath Rhythm Instrument Kit er tilgængelig fra Rhythm Band Instruments på www. rhythmband. com. Flyin. Your Face. Dinosaur Swing. Alle spurgte om du. Zip Zing Flip Flop. Silly Kinda Day. Gå til My Lou. Læs mig en historie. Der er et lille hjul A-Turnin '. Da The Saints Go Marching In.Nylige forespørgsler