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Original tekst
1st Corinthians 16. 13. Choir sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Beginning.Oversættelse
1. Korintherbrev 16. 13. Choir noder. Klaverakkompagnement noder. Begyndelse.Original tekst
1st Corinthians 16. 13. 7 Powerful Arrangements for Bold Men of God. Arranged by Russell Mauldin, Cliff Duren, Lari Goss and Marty Hamby. For TTBB choir, piano accompaniment. Collection. Be Alert and on Your Guard. Stand Firm in Your Faith. Act Like Men and Be Courageous. Grow In Strength. Easy. moderate. Listening CD. Published by Word Music. WD.080689875229. God's people are called to sing. His song has been written on our hearts, and we must give voice to what He has written there. And there may be nothing quite so powerful as a men's chorus joining strong voices together in songs of honor and praise to their God and King. The new men's choir book from WORD Music, 1st CORINTHIANS 16. 13, is designed to help the men of God in your church and community do just that. come together to sing praise to the Lord, to sing for joy, to sing to Him a new song, to declare His might and power. Featuring 7 new arrangements from best-selling arrangers Russell Mauldin, Cliff Duren, Lari Goss and Marty Hamby, 1st CORINTHIANS 16. 13 is a must-have, new book for your music library. All men of God have a song to sing. now they have an excellent, new resource to help them bring that song to life and declare their allegiance to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Ask the men in your Cchurch to sing. challenge and encourage them to sing. And if all else fails, then inspire them to sing, using the words of this magestic old hymn, "Rise Up O Men of God," written by William P. Merrill in 1911. The text reads. Rise up, O men of God. Have done with lesser things. Give heart and soul and mind and strength to serve the King of Kings. Rise up, O men of God, in one united throng. Bring in the day of brotherhood and end the night of wrong. Rise up, O men of God. The church for you doth wait, Her strength unequal to her task. rise up, and make her great. Rise up, O men of God. Tread where his feet have trod. As brothers of the Son of Man, rise up, O men of God. Rise up, men of God, and sing. 10,000 Reasons. Bless The Lord. Paid in Full through Jesus, Amen. Redeemed. The Stand. Old Tyme Church Medley. We Will Remember. Get in Line, Brother with I'll Fly Away.Oversættelse
1. Korintherbrev 16. 13. 7 Kraftig Ordninger for Bold Guds mænd. Arrangeret af Russell Mauldin, Cliff Düren, Lari Goss og Marty Hamby. For TTBB kor, klaver akkompagnement. Indsamling. Vær opmærksom og på vagt. Stå fast i din tro. Handle som mænd og være modige. Vokse i styrke. Nem. moderat. Lytte cd. Udgivet af Word Music. WD.080689875229. Guds folk er kaldet til at synge. Hans sang er blevet skrevet på vore hjerter, og vi skal give stemme til det, han har skrevet der. Og der kan være noget helt så kraftig som en mænds kor sammenføjning stærke stemmer sammen i sange ære og ros til deres Gud og King. De nye mænds kor bog fra Word Music, 1. CORINTHIANS 16. 13, er designet til at hjælpe Guds mænd i din kirke og samfund gøre netop det. gået sammen om at lovsynge Herren, at synge af glæde, at synge ham en ny sang, til at erklære hans magt og styrke. Med 7 nye arrangementer fra bedst sælgende arrangører Russell Mauldin, Cliff Düren, Lari Goss og Marty Hamby, 1. CORINTHIANS 16. 13 er et must-have, ny bog for dit musikbibliotek. Alle Guds mænd har en sang at synge. nu de har en fremragende, ny ressource til at hjælpe dem med at bringe den sang til livet og erklære deres troskab til Kongernes Konge og Herrernes Herre. Spørg mændene i dit Cchurch at synge. udfordre og opfordre dem til at synge. Og hvis alt andet fejler, så inspirere dem til at synge, ved hjælp af ordene i denne magestic gamle salme, "Rise Up o, mænd af Gud", som er skrevet af William P. Merrill i 1911. Teksten lyder. Rejs jer, o, mænd af Gud. Have gjort med mindre ting. Giv hjerte og sjæl og sind og styrke til at tjene Kongernes Konge. Rejs jer, o, mænd af Gud, i et forenet skare. Bring i dag af broderskab og slutter natten til forkerte. Rejs jer, o, mænd af Gud. Kirken for dig underordner vente, Hendes styrke ulige til hendes opgave. rejse sig, og gøre hende godt. Rejs jer, o, mænd af Gud. Slidbane hvor hans fødder har betrådte. Som brødre af Menneskesønnen, stå op, o, mænd af Gud. Rejs jer, Guds mænd, og synge. 10.000 grunde. Bless The Lord. Betalt fuldt gennem Jesus, Amen. Indløst. The Stand. Old Tyme kirke Medley. Vi vil huske. Få i linje, Brother med jeg Fly Away.Nylige forespørgsler