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Ballads & Songs of the Civil War. Jerry Silverman. Voice sheet music. Piano, Vocal sheet music. Intermediate.Oversættelse
Ballads. Jerry Silverman. Voice noder. Klaver, noder. Intermediate.Original tekst
Ballads & Songs of the Civil War composed by Jerry Silverman. For Piano. Vocal. Perfect binding, SongBook. American. Intermediate. Book. 272 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.94734. ISBN 9781562225810. American. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. A comprehensive and historically significant song collection, this massive volume captures the hopes and tragedy of the Civil War era. Songs are grouped into the following categories. The Union, The Confederacy, Lincoln, Universal Sentiments, Soldiers Songs, Battles, Negro Spirituals & Abolitionist Songs, The Lighter Side, and Post Bellum. A special feature of this text is the inclusion of authentic formal and informal portraits, plus depicting military encampment of the aftermath of the battle. Arranged for voice with piano accompaniment and guitar chords. Cairo. Kingdom Coming. Lorena. Oh, Freedom. Southrons' Chaunt Of Defiance. The Battle Hymn Of The Republic. Dixie. Johnny Is My Darling. Marching Along. Pat Murphy Of The Irish Brigade. The Cumberland And The Merrimac. Abraham's Daughter. Goober Peas. The Brass-Mounted Army. Booth Killed Lincoln. Dixie's Land. Flight Of Doodles. Follow the Drinking Gourd. The Bonnie Blue Flag. Weeping Sad And Lonely. When This Cruel War Is Ove. Who Will Care For Mother Now. Free At Last. Here's Your Mule. Jeff In Petticoats. Oh, I'm A Good Old Rebel. Roll, Alabama, Roll. The Drummer Boy Of Shiloh. The Southern Wagon. The Young Volunteer. We Wait Beneath The Furnace Blast. All Quiet Along The Potomac. Brother Green. I Goes To Fight Mit Sigel. I'll Be A Sargeant. Marching Through Georgia. Richmond Is A Hard Road To Travel. We Are Coming, Father Abr'am. When Johnny Comes Marching Home. A Life On The Vicksburg Bluff. Clear The Track. De Day Ob Liberty's Comin'. Give Us A Flag. Go Down, Moses. Hard Times In Dixie. Sixty-Three Is The Jubilee. Home, Sweet Home. I Can Whip The Scoundrel. John Brown's Body. Slavery Chain Done Broke At Last. Somebody's Darling. The Battle Of Shiloh Hill. The Grant Pill. We Conquer Or Die. Cumberland Gap. The Battle of Shiloh. Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. , Ii. Southern Version. Nine Miles To The Junction. Sambo's Right To Be Kilt. The Valiant Conscript. Billy Barlow-On The Times. Do They Miss Me At Home. Drink It Down. Grafted Into The Army. Just After The Battle. Maryland, My Maryland. Riding A Raid. The Rebel Soldier. There Was An Old Soldier. Abraham's Daughter Ii. Babylon is Fallen. Lincoln And Liberty. Stonewall Jackson's Way. The Faded Coat Of Blue. The Gold Band. Virginia's Bloody Soil. Old Abe Lincoln Came Out Of The Wilderness. Southern Battle Cry Of Freedom. Tenting On the Old Camp Ground. The Battle Cry Of Freedom, Ii. Battle Song. The Cumberland Crew. The Liberty Ball. The Old Union Wagon. The Yellow Rose of Texas. When Sherman Marched Down To The Sea. For The Dear Old Flag I Die. High-Toned Southern Gentleman. Just Before The Battle, Mother. Marching Song Of The First Arkansas. Negro. Regime. The Blue And The Gray. The Fall Of Charleston. The New York Volunteer. The Southern Soldier. Billy Barlow. Overtures From Richmond. The Battle Cry Of Freedom. Rallying Song. The Vacant Chair. We'll Fight For Uncle Abe. Farewell To Grog. Many Thousand Gone. My Father, How Long. Steal Away. The Army Of The Free. The John Brown Song. The Southern Soldier Boy. We've Drunk From The Same Canteen. The Why And The Wherefore.Oversættelse
Ballads. For Piano. Vocal. Perfekt binding, SongBook. Amerikansk. Intermediate. Bog. 272 sider. Udgivet af Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.94734. ISBN 9781562225810. Amerikansk. 8,75 x 11,75 inches. En omfattende og historisk betydningsfulde sang indsamling, denne massive mængde indfanger de håb og tragedie af borgerkrigen æra. Songs er inddelt i følgende kategorier. Unionen Konføderationen, Lincoln, Universal Sentiments, Soldater Songs, Battles, Negro Spirituals. Et særligt træk ved denne tekst er inddragelsen af autentiske formelle og uformelle portrætter, plus skildrer militær lejr i kølvandet på slaget. Arrangeret for sang med klaverakkompagnement og guitar akkorder. Cairo. Kingdom Coming. Lorena. Åh, Frihed. Sydlinge 'Chaunt Of Defiance. The Battle Hymn Of The Republic. Dixie. Johnny Is My Darling. Marcherende hen ad. Pat Murphy Of The Irish Brigade. The Cumberland And The Merrimac. Abrahams Datter. Goober Peas. The Brass-monteret Army. Booth Killed Lincoln. Dixie jord. Flight Of Doodles. Følg Drinking Centnergræskar. Bonnie Blå Flag. Grædende trist og ensom. Når denne grusomme krig Er Ove. Hvem vil drage omsorg for mor nu. Free At Last. Her er din Mule. Jeff In Petticoats. Åh, jeg er en god gammel Rebel. Roll, Alabama, Roll. Den Drummer Boy Of Shiloh. The Southern Wagon. Den unge volontør. Vi Vent Beneath The Furnace Blast. All Quiet langs Potomac. Brother Green. Jeg Goes To Fight Mit Sigel. Jeg bliver en Sargeant. Marching Through Georgia. Richmond er en hård Road To Travel. Vi kommer, Fader Abr'am. Da Johnny Comes Marching Hjem. Et liv på Vicksburg Bluff. Slette sporet. De Day Ob Libertys Comin '. Giv os et Flag. Go Down Moses. Hard Times In Dixie. Treogtres Is The Jubilee. Home, Sweet Home. Jeg kan piske slynglen. John Brown Body. Slaveri Chain Udført Broke At Last. Nogen Darling. Slaget ved Shiloh Hill. Grant Pill. Vi Conquer Or Die. Cumberland Gap. Slaget ved Shiloh. Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. Ii. Southern Version. Ni miles til Junction. Sambo ret til at blive Kilt. The Valiant Conscript. Billy Barlow-On The Times. Må de savner mig At Home. Drik It Down. Podet ind Hæren. Lige efter slaget. Maryland, My Maryland. Riding et Raid. The Rebel Soldier. Der var en gammel soldat. Abrahams Datter Ii. Babylon Fallen. Lincoln og Liberty. Stonewall Jackson Way. Den Faded Coat Of Blue. The Gold Band. Virginias Bloody Soil. Old Abe Lincoln kom ud af Wilderness. Southern Battle Cry of Freedom. Udspiling På Old Camp Ground. Den kampråb frihed, Ii. Battle Song. The Cumberland Crew. The Liberty Ball. Den gamle Union Wagon. The Yellow Rose of Texas. Da Sherman marcherede ned til havet. For The Dear Old Flag I Die. High-Toned Southern Gentleman. Lige før slaget, mor. Marching Song Of The First Arkansas. Neger. Regime. The Blue And The Gray. The Fall Of Charleston. The New York Volunteer. Den sydlige Soldier. Billy Barlow. Tilnærmelser fra Richmond. Slaget Cry of Freedom. Samlingspunkt Song. Den ledige stol. Vi Fight For Uncle Abe. Farewell To Grog. Mange Thousand Gone. Min Fader, How Long. Steal Away. Army of the Free. John Brown Song. Den sydlige Soldier Boy. Vi har drukket af samme Kantine. Det Hvorfor And The Derfor.Nylige forespørgsler