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Rolling Stones Bass Collection. The Rolling Stones. Bass Guitar Tablature sheet music. Intermediate.Oversættelse
Rolling Stones Bass Collection. The Rolling Stones. Basguitar Tabulatur noder. Intermediate.Original tekst
Rolling Stones Bass Collection by The Rolling Stones. For Bass. Hal Leonard Bass Recorded Versions. Rock and Classic Rock. Difficulty. medium. Bass tablature songbook. Bass tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and bass notation legend. 94 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.690256. ISBN 0793588480. With bass tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and bass notation legend. Rock and Classic Rock. 9x12 inches. Features exact bass transcriptions in notes & tab for 12 Stones classics. On the heels of the success of Guitar Recorded Versions, Hal Leonard introduced Bass Recorded Versions. Finally, bass guitar players can keep up with their guitar counterparts with these off-the-record transcriptions expressly done for bass guitar. Each book contains notes and tablature. She's So Cold. Respectable. Angie. Beast Of Burden. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo. Heartbreaker. Emotional Rescue. Hang Fire. The Harlem Shuffle. It's Only Rock 'N' Roll. But I Like It. Miss You. Start Me Up. Tumbling Dice.Oversættelse
Rolling Stones Bass Collection af The Rolling Stones. For Bass. Hal Leonard Bass Recorded Versions. Rock og Klassisk rock. Vanskeligheder. medium. Bass tabulatur sangbog. Bass tabulatur, standard notation, vokal melodi, lyrics, akkord navne og bas notation legende. 94 sider. Udgivet af Hal Leonard. HL.690256. ISBN 0793588480. Med bas tabulatur, standard notation, vokal melodi, sangtekster, akkorder og bas notation legende. Rock og Klassisk rock. 9x12 inches. Features nøjagtige bas transskriptioner i noter. I hælene på den succes Guitar Recorded Versions, Hal Leonard introduceret Bass Recorded Versions. Endelig kan basguitar spillere holde op med deres guitar modparter med disse off-the-record transskriptioner udtrykkeligt gjort for basguitar. Hver bog indeholder notater og tabulatur. Hun er So Cold. Respectable. Angie. Beast Of Burden. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo. Heartbreaker. Emotional Rescue. Hang Fire. The Harlem Shuffle. Det er kun Rock 'N' Roll. Men jeg kan lide det. Miss You. Start Me Up. Tumbling Dice.Nylige forespørgsler