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The Rolling Stones Collection - Easy Piano. The Rolling Stones. Easy Piano sheet music. Beginning.Oversættelse
The Rolling Stones Collection - Let Klaver. The Rolling Stones. Let Klaver noder. Begyndelse.Original tekst
The Rolling Stones Collection - Easy Piano by The Rolling Stones. For Piano. Keyboard. Hal Leonard Easy Adult Piano. Rock and Classic Rock. Difficulty. easy-medium. Songbook. Vocal melody, easy piano notation, lyrics and chord names. 111 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.306064. ISBN 0793558344. With vocal melody, easy piano notation, lyrics and chord names. Rock and Classic Rock. 9x12 inches. 20 hits, including Angie, Beast Of Burden, It's Only Rock 'N' Roll and more. These books, for all acoustic and electronic pianos, feature professional piano arrangements designed for amateur adult pianists. They're easy to read and easy to play so even beginners can play their favorite songs quickly, easily, and well. Chord symbols are included for use with the automatic chord feature found on many portable keyboards and electronic keyboards. She's So Cold. Lies. All The Way Down. Respectable. Before They Make Me Run. Faraway Eyes. When The Whip Comes Down. Angie. Beast Of Burden. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo. Heartbreaker. Emotional Rescue. Fool To Cry. Hang Fire. It's Only Rock 'N' Roll. But I Like It. Miss You. Some Girls. Start Me Up. Tumbling Dice. Undercover. Of The Night. Waiting On A Friend.Oversættelse
The Rolling Stones Collection - Let Klaver af The Rolling Stones. For Piano. Keyboard. Hal Leonard Easy Voksen Klaver. Rock og Klassisk rock. Vanskeligheder. let-medium. Songbook. Vocal melodi, let klaver notation, sangtekster og akkorder. 111 sider. Udgivet af Hal Leonard. HL.306064. ISBN 0793558344. Med vokal melodi, let klaver notation, sangtekster og akkorder. Rock og Klassisk rock. 9x12 inches. 20 hits, herunder Angie, Beast Of Burden, det er kun Rock 'N' Roll og mere. Disse bøger for alle akustiske og elektroniske klaverer, har professionelle klaver arrangementer designet til amatør voksne pianister. De er let at læse og let at spille så selv begyndere kan spille deres yndlingssange hurtigt, nemt og godt. Becifring er inkluderet til brug med automatisk akkord funktion findes på mange bærbare tastaturer og elektroniske keyboards. Hun er So Cold. Lies. All The Way Down. Respectable. Før de gør mig Run. Fjerntliggende Eyes. Da The Whip Comes Down. Angie. Beast Of Burden. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo. Heartbreaker. Emotional Rescue. Fool To Cry. Hang Fire. Det er kun Rock 'N' Roll. Men jeg kan lide det. Miss You. Some Girls. Start Me Up. Tumbling Dice. Undercover. Of The Night. Waiting On A Friend.Nylige forespørgsler