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Missa Millennia in Honor of St. Francis - full score. SATB. Choir sheet music. Advanced.Oversættelse
Missa Millennia til Ære for St. Francis - fuld score. SATB. Choir noder. Avanceret.Original tekst
Missa Millennia in Honor of St. Francis - full score. SATB. composed by Curtis Hanson. For Choir,SATB,Chamber Orchestra. Christian,Sacred. Advanced. Score,Set of Parts. Published by Curtis Hanson. S0.42735. The Missa Millennia was composed during the spring of 2000 and premiered the following November by the choirs of the John Duss Music Conservatory, Duluth, MN. Scored for a chamber orchestra of strings, keyboard, and solo oboe. full score and set of parts included here - piano. vocal score available separately. , the work is not so much a celebration of the new millennium as it is an assimilation of many of the musical styles, characteristics, and forms of the previous thousand years. The entire piece is in the form of the traditional Mass, a musical form having its origins in the Middle Ages, and is divided into the five movements commonly found in the Mass Ordinary. Kyrie. Lord, have mercy. , Gloria. Glory to God in the highest. , Credo. the Nicene Creed. , Sanctus – Benedictus. Holy, holy, holy – Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. , and Agnus Dei. Lamb of God. In the final movement, the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. “Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace”. concludes the work. Although the Missa Millennia as a whole is distinctly contemporary, elements from many earlier musical periods are incorporated into the movements. These include chant, open fifth and parallel fifth harmonic movement. organum. , and canonic imitation from the Middle Ages and Renaissance. fugue, word-painting, terraced dynamics, ostinato. a repeated rhythmic or bass accompaniment. , Alberti bass accompaniment figures, ABA form, and dominant-tonic harmonic relationships typical of Baroque and Classical music to name but a few. Other significant features are the usage of non-Western modality in the plaintive solo oboe and of pedal point, a sustained tone in the bass over which the melody and harmony evolve. Pedal point, a compositional tool used throughout music history, dates from the Middle Ages about the time of St. Francis. Although not directly based upon the music of any composer, the astute listener may hear musical ideas reminiscent of Vivaldi, Vaughan Williams, Respighi, Duruflé, and others. In the audio file, the 2nd movement. Gloria. can be found at approximately 6'25", the 3rd movement. Credo. at 12'05", the 4th movement. Sanctus. at 21'15", and the final movement. Agnus Dei. at 31'05". The complete Mass is approximately 43 minutes long. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere. Just purchase, print and play. View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go. With Digital Print, you can print your digital sheet music immediately after purchase, or wait until its convenient. And our software installation is easy - we'll guide you through the simple steps to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR and the Sheet Music Plus AIR application.Oversættelse
Missa Millennia til Ære for St. Francis - fuld score. SATB. sammensat af Curtis Hanson. For Choir,SATB,Chamber Orchestra. Kristen, Sacred. Avanceret. Score, sæt dele. Udgivet af Curtis Hanson. S0.42735. The Missa Millennia was composed during the spring of 2000 and premiered the following November by the choirs of the John Duss Music Conservatory, Duluth, MN. Scored for a chamber orchestra of strings, keyboard, and solo oboe. full score and set of parts included here - piano. vocal score available separately. Arbejdet er ikke så meget en fejring af det nye årtusinde, da det er en assimilering af mange af de musikalske stilarter, egenskaber og former af de foregående tusind år. Hele stykket er i form af den traditionelle messe, en musikalsk form med sin oprindelse i middelalderen, og er opdelt i fem satser oftest findes i Mass Ordinary. Kyrie. Herre, forbarm dig. Gloria. Ære være Gud i det højeste. , Tror jeg. Den nikænske trosbekendelse. , Sanctus – Benedictus. Holy, holy, holy – Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Og Agnus Dei. Lamb of God. I den sidste bevægelse, bøn Frans af Assisi. “Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace”. konkluderer arbejde. Selvom Missa Millennia som helhed er udpræget moderne, er elementer fra mange tidligere musikalske perioder indarbejdet bevægelserne. Disse omfatter chant, åben femte og parallel femte harmoniske bevægelse. organum. , Og kanonisk efterligning fra middelalderen og renæssancen. fuga, word-maleri, rækkehuse dynamik, ostinat. en gentagen rytmisk eller bas akkompagnement. , Albertibas akkompagnement figurer, ABA formular og dominerende-tonisk harmoniske relationer typisk for barok og klassisk musik for blot at nævne et par stykker. Andre væsentlige funktioner er brugen af ikke-vestlig modalitet i klagende solo obo og pedal punkt, en vedvarende tone i bassen over hvilken melodi og harmoni udvikler. Pedal punkt, et kompositorisk redskab anvendes i hele musikhistorien, stammer fra middelalderen om tidspunktet for St. Francis. Although not directly based upon the music of any composer, the astute listener may hear musical ideas reminiscent of Vivaldi, Vaughan Williams, Respighi, Duruflé, and others. I lydfilen, 2. sats. Glory. can be found at approximately 6'25", the 3rd movement. Creed. at 12'05", the 4th movement. Sanctus. at 21'15", and the final movement. Agnus Dei. at 31'05". Den komplette Mass er ca. 43 minutter lang. Digital Print er printbare noder rådighed når som helst, hvor som helst. Bare køb, print og leg. Se din online noder derhjemme, skole, arbejde eller hvor som helst du har en computer tilsluttet til internettet. Brug vores iPad app til at se dine digitale noder på farten. Med Digital Print kan du udskrive din digitale noder umiddelbart efter købet, eller vente, indtil dets bekvemme. Og vores installation software er let - vi vil guide dig gennem de enkle trin til at sikre, at du har Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR og Noder Plus AIR-program.Nylige forespørgsler