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Guitar Artistry of Paul Geremia, Six & Twelve String Blues. Electric Guitar sheet music. Fingerpicking Guitar sheet music.Oversættelse
Guitar Artistry of Paul Geremia Six. Elektrisk Guitar noder. Fingerpicking guitar noder.Original tekst
Guitar Artistry of Paul Geremia, Six & Twelve String Blues composed by Paul Geremia. For Guitar. Fingerpicking. Boxed, Concert. Documentary. Vestapol. Blues. DVD. Duration 100 minutes. Published by Grossman's Guitar Workshop. MB.13109DVD. ISBN 9781579408671. Blues. 5.25 x 7.5 inches. Paul Geremia is possibly the greatest living performer of the East Coast and Texas fingerpicking and slide styles. He has been called a national treasure. John Hammond says that he'd drive a thousand miles to see Paul play. When Paul plays Leadbelly, you can close your eyes and swear that it is Leadbelly himself. These are just a few of the comments that critics and musicians have said about him. Maybe one of the reasons is that for the past 40 years, Paul has not only played the blues, but he's lived them as well. traveling across the country in an old beat-up car and crashing on friend's couches. A hard life, but simple. two guitars, four harmonicas, and a suitcase. But the details don't really matter. It's all about the music. keeping the dying ghosts of the old masters alive with love, a couple of finger picks, and an old beat-up guitar. Paul has created a style which is very much his own combining his interpretations of the music of Blind Lemon Jefferson, Robert Johnson, Blind Willie McTell, Scrapper Blackwell and Blind Blake. Cat Man Blues. Death Don't Have No Mercy. Kicking In The Country. Kill It Kid Rag. Leaving Blues. Little Silver Airplane. Meet Me In The Bottom. My Kind of Place. Pony Blues. Rising River Blues. Scrapper's Scraps. Silver City Bound. Statesboro Blues. Still Thinking About You. Stocking Feet Blues. Tootie Blues. Wonderful Affliction.Oversættelse
Guitar Artistry af Paul Geremia, Six. For Guitar. Fingerpicking. Boxed, Koncert. Dokumentar. VESTAPOL. Blues. DVD. Varighed 100 minutter. Udgivet af Grossmans Guitar Workshop. MB.13109DVD. ISBN 9781579408671. Blues. 5,25 x 7,5 inches. Paul Geremia er muligvis den største nulevende performer på østkysten og Texas fingerpicking og slide stilarter. Han er blevet kaldt en national skat. John Hammond siger, at han ville køre en tusind miles til at se Paul play. Når Paulus spiller Leadbelly, kan du lukke øjnene og sværger, at det er Leadbelly selv. Disse er blot nogle af de kommentarer, kritikere og musikere har sagt om ham. Måske en af grundene er, at for de sidste 40 år har Paul ikke kun spillet blues, men han har levet dem så godt. rejser over hele landet i en gammel beat-up bil og ned på venners sofaer. Et hårdt liv, men simpelt. to guitarer, fire harmonikaer og en kuffert. Men detaljerne ikke rigtig noget. Det handler om musikken. holde de døende spøgelser de gamle mestre i live med kærlighed, et par finger picks, og en gammel beat-up guitar. Paul har skabt en stil, som er meget sin egen kombination sine fortolkninger af musik af Blind Lemon Jefferson, Robert Johnson, Blind Willie McTell, Scrapper Blackwell og Blind Blake. Cat Man Blues. Døden Har du ikke No Mercy. Kicking In The Country. Dræb Det Kid Rag. Leaving Blues. Little Silver Airplane. Meet Me In The Bottom. Min slags sted. Pony Blues. Stigende River Blues. Scrapper er Scraps. Silver City Bound. Statesboro Blues. Stadig Thinking About You. Strømpesokker Blues. Tootie Blues. Wonderful Affliction.Nylige forespørgsler