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Music of Bessie Smith. Fred Sokolow. Electric Guitar sheet music. Fingerpicking Guitar sheet music.Oversættelse
Music of Bessie Smith. Fred Sokolow. Elektrisk Guitar noder. Fingerpicking guitar noder.Original tekst
Music of Bessie Smith composed by Fred Sokolow. For Guitar. Fingerpicking. Boxed, Solos. Grossman Guitar Workshop. Blues. DVD. Duration 98 minutes. Published by Grossman's Guitar Workshop. MB.GW510DVD. In the 1920s and 30s, Bessie Smith was the 'empress of the blues. ' Her passionate singing and performing style and her songwriting influenced all the blues and jazz singers that followed. Many of the songs she popularized, both blues and 'tin pan alley' tunes, have become standards in blues, jazz, rock and pop music. Songs in this collection have been recorded by artists as diverse as Eric Clapton, Leadbelly, Billie Holiday, Chet Atkins, Bing Crosby, David Lee Roth, Big Bill Broonzy, B. B. King and Sam Cooke. They're great tunes for guitar pickers, and Fred shows you how to back yourself up singing them and how to fingerpick instrumental versions of six classics. With his explanations of the arrangements, split-screen, slowed-down versions of the songs, and with the tab and music in the PDF booklet on the DVD, you'll learn how to play St. Louis Blues, Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out, Backwater Blues, After You've Gone, I Ain't Got Nobody and the sensational Send Me To the Electric Chair. The songs sound terrific on guitar, and with Fred's instruction, the arrangements are easy to follow. A 1920s film of Bessie Smith singing St. Louis Blues is featured at the end of the lesson.Oversættelse
Musik af Bessie Smith komponeret af Fred Sokolow. For Guitar. Fingerpicking. Boxed, Solos. Grossman Guitar Workshop. Blues. DVD. Varighed 98 minutter. Udgivet af Grossmans Guitar Workshop. MB.GW510DVD. I 1920'erne og 30'erne, Bessie Smith var 'kejserinde af blues. Hendes lidenskabelige sang og udførelse af stil og hendes sangskrivning påvirket alle blues og jazz sangere, der fulgte. Mange af de sange, hun populariserede begge blues og 'tin pan alley' melodier, er blevet standarder i blues, jazz, rock og popmusik. Sange i denne samling er blevet indspillet af kunstnere så forskellige som Eric Clapton, Leadbelly, Billie Holiday, Chet Atkins, Bing Crosby, David Lee Roth, Big Bill Broonzy, BB King og Sam Cooke. De er store melodier til guitar plukkere, og Fred viser dig, hvordan du sikkerhedskopierer dig op at synge dem, og hvordan man fingerpick instrumentale versioner af seks klassikere. Med hans forklaringer af de arrangementer, split-screen, bremset-down versioner af sangene, og med fanen og musik i PDF-hæftet på DVD'en, vil du lære at spille St. Louis Blues, Nobody Knows Du når du re Down and Out, Backwater Blues, efter du har gået, jeg er ikke Got Nobody og den sensationelle sende mig til den elektriske stol. Sangene lyder fantastisk på guitar, og med Fred instruktion, er nemme at følge de ordninger,. En 1920'erne film af Bessie Smith synger St. Louis Blues er featured i slutningen af lektionen.Nylige forespørgsler