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A Treasury of Songs for Young People. Piano sheet music. Beginning.Oversættelse
En sangskat for unge. Klaver Noder. Begyndelse.Original tekst
A Treasury of Songs for Young People. for Autoharp, Ukulele, Mandolin, Banjo, and Keyboard. Arranged by Meg Peterson. For Acoustic Instruments. Saddle-stitched, SongBook. Children. Beginning. Book. 40 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.99906. ISBN 9780786670024. Children. 8.5 x 11 inches. The songs in this book are familiar to children of all ages. They include not only traditional children's songs, but also rounds, cowboy tunes, and popular Christmas songs. They have been arranged in the keys that are most suitable for singing, and can be played in a variety of styles using only the words and the accompanying chords. In cases where there are two versions of a particular tune, both have been included. If one version is not well known, however, the most widely used melody is selected. The songs are written as lyrics with chord symbols only. no music notation is provided. Baa. Baa. Black Sheep. Big Rock Candy Mountain. Billy Boy. Blow the Man Down. Bought Me a Cat. Clementine. Did You Ever See A Lassie. Drunken Sailor. Eency Weency Spider. Farmer In The Dell, The. Father's Whiskers. Fox, The. Froggie Went A-Courtin'. Go In And Out The Window. Goober Peas. Go Tell Aunt Rhody. Hey, Lolly, Lolly. Hickory, Dickory, Dock. Hot Cross Buns. Hush, Little Baby. Jack And Jill. Jenny Jenkins. Jim Along Josie. Jimmy Crack Corn. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. Kum By Yah. Lavender's Blue. Lazy Mary. Lightly Row. Lil' Liza Jane. London Bridge Is Falling Down. Looby Loo. Mary Had A Little Lamb. Michael Finnegan. Mister Rabbit. More We Get Together, The. Muffin Man, The. Mulberry Bush, The. New River Train. Oats, Peas, Beans, and Barley Grow. Oh, Dear, What Can The Matter Be. Oh, Where Has My Little Dog Gone. Old Dan Tucker. Old MacDonald Had a Farm. Over the River and Through the Woods. Paw Paw Patch. Pick A Bale Of Cotton. Pop Goes the Weasel. Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat. Rig-A-Jig Jig. Ring Around the Rosy. Rockabye Baby. Sailing, Sailing. She'll Be Comin' Around the Mountain. Shoo, Fly, Don't Bother Me. Shortnin' Bread. Sing A Song Of Sixpence. Skip to My Lou. Sleep, Baby, Sleep. Susie, Little Susie. Ten Little Indians. This Old Man. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Chairs to Mend. Dona Nobis Pacem. Frere Jacques. Hey, Ho. Nobody Home. I Love the Mountains. Kookaburra. Little Tom Tinker. Lovely Evening. Make New Friends. Row, Row, Row Your Boat. Scotland's Burning. Sweetly Sings The Donkey. Three Blind Mice. Vine And Fig Tree. White Coral Bells. Why Shouldn't My Goose. Bury Me Not. Git Along Little Dogies. Goodbye, Old Paint. Old Texas. Red River Valley. Streets Of Laredo. Angels We Have Heard On High. Away in a Manger. first version. Away in a Manger. second version. Bring a Torch, Jeannette, Isabella. Children Go. Deck The Halls With Boughs Of Holly. The First Noel. I Saw Three Ships. Jingle Bells. Jolly Old Saint Nicholas. Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful. Pat-a-Pan. Silent Night. Up on the Housetop. Wassail Song, The. We Three Kings Of Orient Are. We Wish You a Merry Christmas.Oversættelse
En sangskat for unge. for Autoharp, ukulele, mandolin, banjo, og tastatur. Arrangeret af Meg Peterson. For akustiske instrumenter. Ryghæftede, SongBook. Børn. Begyndelse. Bog. 40 sider. Udgivet af Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.99906. ISBN 9780786670024. Børn. 8,5 x 11 inches. Sangene i denne bog er velkendt for børn i alle aldre. De omfatter ikke kun traditionelle børnesange, men også runder, cowboy melodier og populære julesange. De er blevet arrangeret i de nøgler, der er bedst egnet til at synge, og kan spilles i en række forskellige stilarter ved hjælp af kun de ord og de ledsagende akkorder. I tilfælde, hvor der er to versioner af en bestemt melodi, er begge blevet medtaget. Hvis en version, som ikke er kendt, er imidlertid den mest udbredte melodi valgt. Sangene er skrevet som tekster med becifringer kun. ingen musik notation leveres. Baa. Baa. Black Sheep. Big Rock Candy Mountain. Billy Boy. Blæs Man Down. Købt mig en kat. Clementine. Har du nogensinde set en Lassie. Drunken Sailor. Eency Weency Spider. Landmand i Dell,. Faders Whiskers. Fox, The. Froggie Gik A-Courtin '. Gå ind og ud af vinduet. Goober Peas. Go Tell tante Rhody. Hey, Lolly, Lolly. Hickory, Dickory, Dock. Hot Kors boller. Hush Little Baby. Jack And Jill. Jenny Jenkins. Jim Langs Josie. Jimmy Crack Corn. John Jacob Schmidt Jingleheimer. Kum By Yah. Lavender Blue. Lazy Mary. Let Row. Lil 'Liza Jane. London Bridge er Falling Down. Looby Loo. Mary Had A Little Lamb. Michael Finnegan. Mister Kanin. Mere Vi Get Together, The. Muffin Man, The. Mulberry Bush, The. New River Train. Havre, ærter, bønner og byg Grow. Å, kære, hvad kan sagen. Åh, hvor der My Little Dog Gone. Old Dan Tucker. Old MacDonald havde en gård. Over floden og gennem skoven. Paw Paw Patch. Pick A Bale Of Cotton. Pop Goes Weasel. Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat. Rig-A-Jig Jig. Ring Around the Rosy. Rockabye Baby. Sejlads, Sejlads. Hun vil være Comin 'Around the Mountain. Shoo, Fly, ikke gider mig. Shortnin 'Brød. Sing A Song Of Sixpence. Gå til My Lou. Sleep, Baby, Sleep. Susie Little Susie. Ti små indianere. Denne gamle mand. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Stole at reparere. Dona Nobis Pacem. Frere Jacques. Hey, Ho. Nobody Hjem. Jeg elsker bjergene. Kookaburra. Lille Tom Tinker. Dejlig Aften. Få nye venner. Row, Row, Row din båd. Skotlands Burning. Sødt Sings The Donkey. Tre Blinde Mus. Vine og Fig Tree. White Coral Bells. Hvorfor skal ikke min Goose. Bury Me Not. Git Langs Lille Dogies. Farvel, gammel maling. Old Texas. Red River Valley. Streets Of Laredo. Angels vi har hørt On High. Away In A Manger. første version. Away In A Manger. anden version. Bringe en fakkel, Jeannette, Isabella. Børn Go. Deck the Halls med grenene Holly. The First Noel. I Saw Three Ships. Jingle Bells. Jolly Old Saint Nicholas. Åh, Come, All Ye Faithful. Pat-a-Pan. Silent Night. Oppe på Housetop. Wassail Song, The. We Three Kings Of Orient Er. Vi ønsker dig en glædelig jul.Nylige forespørgsler