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Suzuki Violin School, Volume 2 - Violin Part. Revised. Dr. Shinichi Suzuki. Violin sheet music.Oversættelse
Suzuki Violin School Volume 2 - Violin Part. Revideret. Dr. Shinichi Suzuki. Violin noder.Original tekst
Suzuki Violin School, Volume 2 - Violin Part. Revised. Violin Part. Composed by Dr. Shinichi Suzuki. For Violin. This edition. Revised Edition. Method. Instruction. SmartMusic. String - Violin. Suzuki. Suzuki. Suzuki Violin School. Instructional Book. 36 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.0146S. ISBN 0739048120. Aims of the Suzuki Method. The Suzuki method has enabled many children to play music to a high standard. Substantial numbers of Suzuki trained students have indeed become highly acclaimed professional musicians. However, the training of professionals is not the main aim. the emphasis throughout is on the development of the whole child, on education through music. Dr Suzuki himself always said that his wish was to foster the human qualities in the child. At every opportunity he called on politicians, teachers and parents to ensure that the full potential of every child is developed. I want - if I can - to get education changed from mere instruction to education in the real sense of the word - education that inculcates, brings out, develops the human potential, based on the growing life of the child. That is why I am devoting my efforts to furthering Talent Education. what a child becomes depends entirely on how he is educated. My prayer is that all children on this globe may become fine human beings, happy people of superior ability, and I am devoting all my energies to making this come about, for I am convinced that all children are born with this potential. The Suzuki Method is based on the principle that all children possess ability and that this ability can be developed and enhanced through a nurturing environment. All children learn to speak their own language with relative ease and if the same natural learning process is applied in teaching other skills, these can be acquired as successfully. Suzuki referred to the process as the Mother Tongue Method and to the whole system of pedagogy as Talent Education. The important elements of the Suzuki approach to instrumental teaching include the following. an early start. aged 3-4 is normal in most countries. the importance of listening to music. learning to play before learning to read. -the involvement of the parent. a nurturing and positive learning environment. a high standard of teaching by trained teachers. the importance of producing a good sound in a balanced and natural way. core repertoire, used by Suzuki students across the world. social interaction with other children. Suzuki students from all over the world can communicate through the language of music. div. Study Points for Volume 2. Chorus from Judas Maccabaeus. Musette, Gavotte II or the Musette from English Suite III in G Minor for Klavier, BWV 808. Hunters' Chorus from 3rd Act of the opera Der Freischutz. Long, Long Ago. Waltz, Op. 39, No. 15 for Piano. Bourree from Sonata in F Major for Oboe, HHA IV. 18, No. 8. The Two Grenadiers, Die beiden Grenadier, Op. 49, No. 1 for Voice and Piano. Theme from Witches' Dance. Gavotte from Mignon. Gavotte. Minuet in G, Wo0 10, No. 2. Minuet from Sei Quintetti per Archi No. 11, Op. 11, No. 5 in E Major.Oversættelse
Suzuki Violin School Volume 2 - Violin Part. Revideret. Violin Part. Sammensat af Dr. Shinichi Suzuki. For Violin. Denne udgave. Revideret udgave. Metode. Instruktion. SmartMusic. String - Violin. Suzuki. Suzuki. Suzuki Violin School. Instruktionsbog. 36 sider. Udgivet af Alfred Music. AP.0146S. ISBN 0739048120. Formål med Suzuki Metode. Suzuki-metoden har sat mange børn til at spille musik til en høj standard. Betydelige antal af Suzuki uddannede elever er faktisk blevet meget roste professionelle musikere. Men uddannelse af fagfolk er ikke det vigtigste mål. hovedvægten i hele er på udviklingen af hele barn, uddannelse gennem musik. Dr. Suzuki selv altid sagde, at hans ønske var at fremme de menneskelige kvaliteter i barnets. Ved enhver lejlighed kaldte han på politikere, lærere og forældre til at sikre, at det fulde potentiale af ethvert barn er udviklet. Jeg vil - hvis jeg kan - for at få uddannelse har ændret sig fra simpel instruktion til undervisning i den virkelige betydning af ordet - uddannelse, der indskærper, bringer, udvikler det menneskelige potentiale, der er baseret på det voksende barnets liv. Det er derfor, jeg afsætte mine bestræbelser på at fremme Talent Education. hvad et barn bliver, afhænger helt af, hvordan han er uddannet. Min bøn er, at alle børn på denne klode kan blive fine mennesker, glade mennesker af overlegne evne, og jeg afsætter alle mine energier til at gøre dette ske, for jeg er overbevist om, at alle børn er født med dette potentiale. Suzuki Metoden er baseret på princippet om, at alle børn besidder evne og at denne evne kan udvikles og styrkes gennem en nærende miljø. Lære alle børn at tale deres eget sprog, med relativ lethed, og hvis den samme naturlige læreproces anvendes i undervisning af andre færdigheder, kan disse erhverves som med succes. Suzuki henvist til processen som modersmål Metode og hele systemet af pædagogik som Talent Education. De vigtige elementer i Suzuki tilgang til instrumental undervisning omfatter følgende. en tidlig start. alderen 3-4 er normalt i de fleste lande. vigtigheden af at lytte til musik. at lære at spille, før at lære at læse. -Inddragelse af forældrene. en plejende og positivt læringsmiljø. en høj standard for undervisning af uddannede lærere. vigtigheden af at frembringe en god lyd i en afbalanceret og naturlig måde. core repertoire, der anvendes af Suzuki elever over hele verden. socialt samspil med andre børn. Suzuki studerende fra hele verden kan kommunikere gennem sproget i musikken. div. Undersøgelse Point for bind 2. Kor fra Judas Maccabaeus. Musette, Gavotte II eller Musette fra engelsk Suite III i G Minor for Klavier, BWV 808. Hunters 'Kor fra 3. akt af operaen Der Freischutz. Meget længe siden. Waltz, Op. 39, nr. 15, for klaver. Bourree fra Sonate i F-dur for obo, HHA IV. 18, nr. 8. De to Grenaderer, Die beiden Grenadier, Op. 49, nr. 1 for sang og klaver. Theme from Witches 'Dance. Gavotte fra Mignon. Gavotte. Menuet i G, Wo0 10, nr. 2. Menuet fra Six Quintets for Strings nr. 11, opus 11, nr. 5 i E-dur.Nylige forespørgsler