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Big Black & White Book of Advanced Piano Solos - Volume 2. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music. Piano Solo sheet music.


Big Black. Forskellige. Klaver, sang og guitar noder. Voice noder. Guitar noder. Noder Klaver solo.

Original tekst

Big Black & White Book of Advanced Piano Solos - Volume 2 composed by Various. For Piano. Keyboard. Piano. Vocal. Guitar Songbook. Softcover. 144 pages. Word Music #080689422386. Published by Word Music. HL.309999. ISBN 1423436873. 9x12 inches. This collection was created especially for the church pianist who is looking for inspirational, well-crafted and challenging solo piano arrangements. Several of the top keyboard arrangers in Christian music publishing have combined their talents in this second volume in order to offer a wide variety of musical styles. This comprehensive collection features classic hymns, gospel songs and praise choruses along with patriotic standards and seasonal favorites – making it a perfect year-round resource. 28 titles in all, including. Adeste Fidelis. Blessed Assurance. Come into His Presence. God of Our Fathers. O That Will Be Glory. Rejoice in the Lord Always. The Love of God. The Solid Rock. This Is My Father's World. and more. Battle Hymn Of The Republic. I Will Sing of the Mercies. Arr. C. Tornquist. Silent Night. Holy Night. F. Gruber. He Shall Feed His Flock. G. Handel. Wonderful Words of Life. P Bliss. O Holy Night. Adeste Fideles. John F Wade. Amazing Grace. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. Mason. Christ The Lord Is Risen Today. This Is My Father's World. God Of Our Fathers. Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing. Eternal Father, Strong to Save. Rejoice In The Lord Always. Come Into His Presence. Holy Holy Holy. What Wondrous Love Is This. Blessed Assurance. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. M Luther. O That Will Be Glory. Charles H Gabriel. O The Deep, Deep Love Of Jesus. Fairest Lord Jesus. BIRTHDAY OF A KING, THE. W H NEIDLINGER. LOVE OF GOD, THE. FREDERICK H LEHMAN. SOLID ROCK, THE. WM BRADBURY. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty.


Big Black. For Piano. Keyboard. Plan. Vocal. Guitar Songbook. Softcover. 144 sider. Слово Музыка. Udgivet af Word Music. HL.309999. ISBN 1423436873. 9x12 inches. Denne samling blev skabt specielt til kirkens pianist, der er på udkig efter inspirerende, godt udformet og udfordrende soloklaver arrangementer. Flere af de øverste tastatur arrangører i kristen musikudgivelse har kombineret deres talenter i dette andet bind med henblik på at tilbyde en bred vifte af musikalske stilarter. Denne omfattende samling funktioner klassiske salmer, gospel sange og ros omkvæd sammen med patriotiske standarder og sæsonbetonede favoritter - hvilket gør det til en perfekt året rundt ressource. 28 titler i alt, herunder. Adeste Fidelis. Blessed Assurance. Kom ind i hans tilstedeværelse. Vore Fædres Gud. O Det vil være Glory. Glæd jer altid i Herren. Guds Kærlighed. Solid Rock. Dette er min Faders verden. og mere. Battle Hymn Of The Republic. Jeg vil synge for Mercies. Arr.. C. Tornquist. Silent Night. Holy Night. F. Gruber. Han skal vogte sin flok. G. Handel. Wonderful Words of Life. P Bliss. O Holy Night. Adeste Fideles. John F Wade. Amazing Grace. Just A Closer Walk Med Dig. Når jeg Opmål Wondrous Cross. Mason. Kristus, Herren er opstanden i dag. Dette er min Faders verden. God Of Our Fathers. Kom, Du tank af enhver velsignelse. Evige Fader, Strong at spare. Glæd jer altid i Herren. Komme ind i hans tilstedeværelse. Holy Holy Holy. Hvad Wondrous Love Is Dette. Blessed Assurance. A Mighty Fortress er vor Gud. M Luther. O Det vil være Glory. Charles H Gabriel. O Dyb, dyb kærlighed til Jesus. Fairest Herre Jesus. Fødselsdag en konge,. B H neidlinger. KÆRLIGHED, Guds. FREDERICK H LEHMAN. SOLID ROCK, THE. WM BRADBURY. Ros til Herren, den Almægtige.