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Monkey Business. Piano Solo sheet music. Beginning.


Monkey Business. Noder Klaver solo. Begyndelse.

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Monkey Business composed by C.S. Wolf. For piano. Sheet Music. FJH Spotlight Solo Sheets. Late Elementary. Single sheet. Published by The FJH Music Company Inc. FJ.S4150. Monkey Business is a late elementary piano solo that both children and parents will enjoy musically and lyrically. This humorous piece offers many educational benefits such as. a straightforward tied, quarter note syncopation that is also supported by the lyrics. a middle section where both hands play two octaves higher, alternating between the two and three black key groups in a descending pattern. two-note slurs. accents. and four measure legato phrases just to name a few. Motivating piano solos written for study and performance.


Monkey Business composed by C.S. Wolf. For klaver. Noder. FJH Spotlight Solo Sheets. Late Elementary. Enkelt ark. Udgivet af FJH Music Company Inc. FJ.S4150. Monkey Business is a late elementary piano solo that both children and parents will enjoy musically and lyrically. This humorous piece offers many educational benefits such as. a straightforward tied, quarter note syncopation that is also supported by the lyrics. a middle section where both hands play two octaves higher, alternating between the two and three black key groups in a descending pattern. to-note nedsættende bemærkninger. accenter. and four measure legato phrases just to name a few. Motivere klaver soloer skrevet til studie-og ydeevne.