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Original tekst

Niels Rosing-Schow. Alliage II. Player's score. Sheet Music. Viola. Accordion. VLA. ACDN. Niels Rosing-Schow.


Niels Rosing-Schow. Alloy II. Spillerens score. Noder. Violet. Harmonika. VLA. ACDN. Niels Rosing-Schow.

Original tekst

Programme note. Alloy II for Viola and Classical Accordion. The two instuments of this duo are very different in appearance, and in the way of playing as well as tone. production. At first glance this might call for a music, which brings out these differences in the nature of. the instruments, distributing distinct, even contrasting, musical roles to the two players, such as melody. versus accompaniment. But I refrain from this obvious ‘casting’ of the instruments, since I have always. been fascinated by the less evident, by transitions and gradual displacement, by the intangible places. between one and the other. I search for this ‘terrain vague’ of fruitfull incertainty and permanent genesis. To arrive here, I have in this piece written a music, which makes hidden relations and unexplored. sonorous paths come forward between the sound worlds of the two instruments. Bringing together the. musical substances, I look for something deeper than just common sounds. a fresh musical place. And the. lively and bright sound world that emerges form this instrumental and textural ’in-between’ I associate to. alloys, in particular the silvery amalgamations of mercury. The work was commisioned by Andreas Borregaard and composed with support from The Danish Arts. Foundation. It is dedicated to the duo Inviolata. Niels Rosing-Schow.


Note Programme. Alloy II for Viola og klassisk Harmonika. De to instrumenttyper i denne duo er meget forskellige i udseende, og i vejen for at spille samt tone. produktion. Ved første øjekast kan dette kræve en musik, der bringer disse forskelle i karakteren af. instrumenterne, distribuerer forskellige, selv kontrasterende, musikalske roller til de to spillere, som f.eks melodi. versus akkompagnement. Men jeg afstå fra denne indlysende "casting" af instrumenterne, da jeg har altid. været fascineret af de mindre indlysende, ved overgange og gradvis forskydning af de immaterielle steder. mellem en og anden. Jeg søger efter denne "terrain vague" af frugtbar incertainty og permanent tilblivelse. At ankomme her, jeg har i dette stykke skrevet en musik, der gør skjulte relationer og uudforsket. klangfulde stier kommer frem mellem de sunde verdener i de to instrumenter. Samler de. musikalske stoffer, jeg ser noget dybere end blot almindelige lyde. en frisk musikalsk sted. Og. livlige og lyse lyd verden, der opstår danner denne instrumental og stoflige 'i-mellem "jeg forbinder til. legeringer, især de sølvfarvede sammenlægninger af kviksølv. Arbejdet blev bestilt af Andreas Borregaard og komponeret med støtte fra Statens Kunstfond. Foundation. Det er dedikeret til duoen Inviolata. Niels Rosing-Schow.