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Ghost. Riders In the Sky by Johnny Cash. - Digital Sheet Music. A Cowboy Legend.


Ghost. Riders in the Sky af Johnny Cash. - Digitale Noder. A Cowboy Legend.

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Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Voice, range. C4-A5. MN0069802_U2. Contains complete lyrics. Compatible. Ghost. Riders In the Sky. Johnny Cash. A Minor. Musicnotes What's This. Musicnotes File. Instantly printable digital sheet music plus a PC-compatible interactive, downloadable sheet music file. Rated 4. 5 based on 4 customer reviews. "Found some of the guitar chord diagrams to be inconsistent with the musical arrangement. continued. see all reviews. An old cow poke went riding out one dark and windy day,. G Minor. Vaughan Monroe. Burl Ives. Gene Autry. Sons of the Pioneers. Song. Briskly. h 120. Country. Country-Pop. Cowboy. Traditional Country. Vocal Pop. Stan Jones. 1949. MPL Communications, Inc.. Riders In the Sky.. View All.


Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Voice, rækkevidde. C4-A5. MN0069802_U2. Indeholder komplet lyrics. Kompatibel. Ghost. Riders in the Sky. Johnny Cash. A Minor. Musicnotes Hvad er dette. Musicnotes File. Straks printable Digitale Noder plus en PC-kompatibelt interaktiv, ark downloades musikfil. Bedømmelse: 4. 5 baseret på 4 kundeanmeldelser. "Fundet nogle af guitar akkord diagrammer til at være i strid med den musikalske arrangement. fortsatte. se alle anmeldelser. En gammel ko poke gik Ridning ud en mørk og blæsende dag,. G Minor. Vaughan Monroe. Burl Ives. Gene Autry. Sønner af pionererne. Song. Rask. h 120. Land. Land-Pop. Cowboy. Traditionel Country. Vocal Pop. Stan Jones. 1949. MPL Communications, Inc.. Riders på himlen.. Vis alle.