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Just the Way You Are by Billy Joel. - Digital Sheet Music.Oversættelse
Bare den måde, du ved Billy Joel. - Digitale Noder.Original tekst
Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Voice, range. Cb4-G5. MN0043617_U1. Contains complete lyrics. Compatible. Just the Way You Are. Billy Joel. Eb Major. Musicnotes What's This. Musicnotes File. Instantly printable digital sheet music plus a PC-compatible interactive, downloadable sheet music file. Rated 4.5. 5 based on 1 customer reviews. "I had been looking all over the internet for the chords that could be played strumming. continued. see review. Don't go changing to try and please me You never let me down before mm mm don't imagine you're too familiar. D Major. Song. Moderately. q 140. Love. Pop Rock. Singer-Songwriter. Soft Rock. Album Rock. Piano Rock. 1977. Universal Music Publishing Group. Billy Joel - The Stranger. Selections From MTV's 100 Greatest Pop Songs. Live In Paris. The Big Book of Love Songs - 2nd Edition. Valentine. The Definitive Love Collection - 2nd Edition. Movin' Out.. Billy Joel Complete - Volume 1. View All.Oversættelse
Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Voice, rækkevidde. CB4-G5. MN0043617_U1. Indeholder komplet lyrics. Kompatibel. Bare den måde, du. Billy Joel. Eb Major. Musicnotes Hvad er dette. Musicnotes File. Straks printable Digitale Noder plus en PC-kompatibelt interaktiv, ark downloades musikfil. Bedømmelse 4.5. 5 baseret på 1 kundeanmeldelser. "Jeg havde set over hele internettet for akkorderne, der kunne spilles klimprer. fortsatte. se gennemgang. Gå ikke ændre at forsøge at behage mig Du har aldrig svigtet mig før mm mm ikke forestille mig, du er alt for bekendt. D-dur. Song. Moderat. q 140. Kærlighed. Pop Rock. Singer-Songwriter. Soft Rock. Album Rock. Piano Rock. 1977. Universal Music Publishing Group. Billy Joel - The Stranger. Markeringer fra MTVs 100 Greatest Pop Songs. Live In Paris. The Big Book of Love Songs - 2nd Edition. Valentine. The Definitive Kærlighed Collection - 2nd Edition. Movin 'Out.. Billy Joel Complete - Bind 1. Vis alle.Nylige forespørgsler