the trumpets of Jericho, still the walls remain At the trumpets of Jericho, Avalon's in chains At the trumpets of Jericho, there the Grail remains At the trumpets of Jericho
trumpets of Jericho Still the walls remain At the trumpets of Jericho Avalon's in chains At the trumpets of Jericho There the grail remains At the trumpets of Jericho
Oversættelse: Dickinson, Bruce. Trompeter Of Jericho.
the trumpets of Jericho Still the walls remain At the trumpets of Jericho Avalon's in chains At the trumpets of Jericho There the grail remains At the trumpets
trumpets of Jericho, still the walls remain At the trumpets of Jericho, Avalon's in chains At the trumpets of Jericho, there the grail remains At the trumpets of Jericho