of the face of the earth Dismembered bodies, fallen victims of decay Fallen from above, prophecy of death Agonizing torment to wipe out the inhuman
A hardcore He's not setting out to hurt people He's got a lot of love in him For you know For his mum, his brother, his girlfriend He actually, I think
Originally performed by Final ConflictPoisoned Heart, Poisoned Mind??? hateWe are like facist??? create???Where are our wrongsWe point fingersBut destruction
"A hardcore Hes not setting out to hurt people Hes got a lot of love in him And you know, for his mother, his brother and his girlfriend He actually
I! Poisoned Hearts, Poisoned Minds Join In Hate We're Like Machines Dead, Do Not Create Sitting Docile While All around is Rot We Point Fingers But Destruction
Oversættelse: Grave. Umenneskelig Natur.
Oversættelse: Grave. Umenneskelig Natur [Final Conflict].
: I! Poisoned Hearts, Poisoned Minds Join In Hate We're Like Machines Dead, Do Not Create Sitting Docile While All around is Rot We Point Fingers But
I! Poisoned Hearts, Poisoned Minds Join In Hate We're Like Machines Dead, Do Not Create Sitting Docile While All around is Rot We Point Fingers But