OCHESTRA and CHORUS: Let's not waste a moment, Let's not lose a day; (There's no reason in the world, No reason in the world) There's a short forever
Oversættelse: Mælk og Honning Soundtrack. Bryllup.
nigga go and wanna grab an all black tux hit j.lo and tell her call the wedding planner up set the date i'll be there meet me at the alter honey you
the same way That's when she told me a story 'bout free milk and a cow She said, "No huggin', no kissin', until I get a wedding vow" My honey, my baby
the same way That's when she told me a story 'bout free milk and a cow And she said no huggin', no kissin' until I get a wedding vow My honey, my baby
's when she told me a story 'bout free milk and a cow And she said no huggie no kissie until I get a wedding vow My honey my baby don't put my love upon
me? Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey! All I want to do is kiss your neck and see how your body sweats. Oh please honey, scream my name! Please, Please, Please
little infant has one for me? Hey hey hey! All I want to do is kiss your neck, And see how your body sweats. Oh, please honey, scream my name. Please