) PENANCE: He came again to see her Yes I think they told me it was Saturday THE DANCER: (Ask Penance Crane she was out in her garden she saw us) PENANCE
The pirate anchored on a Wednesday And why he came to port, I wonder To see a lady, so my friends say She dances for the sailors In a smoky cabaret bar
chorus) [Penance:] He came again to see her Yes I think they told me it was Saturday [The Dancer:] (Ask Penance Crane she was out in her garden she saw us) [Penance
Oversættelse: Mitchell, Joni. The Pirate Of bodens.
Penance:] He came again to see her Yes I think they told me it was Saturday [The Dancer:] (Ask Penance Crane she was out in her garden she saw us) [Penance