Oversættelse: Ocean. Fluxion.
Bread and games... or should we say: sugar and chains? The blood of exposure: our sweetest drink. Decapitate the confessor: the audience is waiting.
Inside our squalid homes: a safe place behind security doors. Sheltered from all we better ignore: the starving, the homeless, the dying, the poor...
We draw your eyes to our images: Carrot and stick. We've got a sense for what makes you tick. The more out of reach, the more desperate you'll be trying
Yes, the hopeless are those who never lose their hope. And the heartless are those who never kill a foe. The speechless are those who always move there
We are divine. We are divine. Deities of the modern age. The sentinels of humanity's cage. We are divine. Captivators of the greatest bane: We're the
Grow to the sun. We fell on rock. Awoke with broken bones. Crawled our way back at rugged dirt roads to find we're not alone and never wanna go back
should carry Heavy enough for me to get buried I see death on the road tonight It's got me to where I wanna run and hide Oh, I used to dream of oceans