nanananana - nicholas the great catching clouds in his mind nanananana il papus puss puss puss puss il papus puss puss puss puss (tigars, vaginas tigars
there is no going not in your tribe no incentive to refuse your bribe i'm a dream i'm i'm a dream i'm a dream i'm i'm a dream and i'm a nightmare and
ireland sun given henry (in a imaginary menagerie in an imaginary menagerie)
muse sick (sic) muse sick (sic) ( you'll never want to hear this song again crazy crazy jane i'm with you in the rain again crazy crazy jane do you feel
all: cough splutter couch wheeze (scatologically i'm thinking of changing my mind)
the depixal dance of death the stelazine stomp modecate meander haloperidol hop lithium leap largactyl lunge clozaril clomp carbumazapine kick procycladine
pogo pope pogo pope pogo pope pogo pope pogo pope pogo pope pogo pope pogo pope pogo pope pogo pope pogo pope pogo pope pogo pope pogo pope etc. etc. [
regicide chaz iii regicide chaz the 3rd regicide chuck iii regicide chuck the 3rd ( failure echolalia haerie faerie the mood was waiting for me the mood
, delusions of grandeur she must be mad one day my head will grow into a mighty papal dome shape i shall awake old mitre man mitre man (pope joan in the 7th
vatican't city hearse vatican't city hearse (all you need is death death is all you need)
we're gonna destroy life the world gets higher and higher nanananananananana yeah ( it was a crime before nick was born)