Sing a song of sixpence, pocket full of rye Hush-a bye my baby, no need to be crying You can burn the midnight oil with me As long as you will stare out
Sing a song a sixpence, pocket full a rye Hush by my baby, no need to be cryin' You can burn the midnight oil with me, as long as you wish Stare out at
Sing a song a sixpence, pocket full a rye Hush by my baby, no need to be cryin' Burn the midnight oil with me, as long as you wish Stare out at the moon
Sing a song of sixpence, pocket full of rye Hush-a bye my baby, no need to be crying. You can burn the midnight oil with me as long as you will Stare
Oversættelse: Waits, Tom. Midnat Lullaby.
: Sing a song a sixpence, pocket full a rye Hush by my baby, no need to be cryin' Burn the midnight oil with me, as long as you wish Stare out at the
: Sing a song of sixpence, pocket full of rye Hush-a bye my baby, no need to be crying. You can burn the midnight oil with me as long as you will Stare