cant forget kicken dope in a cargo van memphis winter in a frigidare it gives me more character pissed out winds united air crossed the mississippi bridge procelain death rock
can't forget kickin' dope in a cargo van Memphis winter in a frigidare It gives me more character pissed out winds United Air crossed the Mississippi bridge Porcelain death, rock
ain't ready for us Project Pat, Noreaga, D.J. Paul, Juicy J Hypnotize Minds in here, like this North Memphis bitch, North Memphis bitch South Memphis bitch, South Memphis
you fuck wit us well bitch you fuckin with the fuckin best When you fuck wit us well bitch you fuckin with the fuckin best When you fuck wit us bitch
see a city on a hill, I see the only way to be filled, mighty rushing wind around us, Holy Spirit burn within us. [Chorus:] Burn. Burn. Burn. Within us, within us
hemorrhage (stroke). "Who s on first." "Yeah" "The fellow s name" "Who" - BUD ABBOTT & LOU COSTELLO (a famous comedy skit) "The world will note that the first atomic bomb
Oversættelse: US Bomber. Rocks In Memphis.
for us Project Pat, Noreaga, D.J. Paul, Juicy "J" Hypnotize Minds in here, like this [All] North Memphis bitch, North Memphis bitch South Memphis bitch, South Memphis
the shelf Cause it ain't nothing like left Your last step or should I say your last breath G is past death Do us part when you fucking with that Suave