Oversættelse: "Du er kongen af Glory, O Chris't. Benjamin Britten. Choir noder. Organ noder. Treble Solo, SATB Kor og orgel. 1913-1976.
Oversættelse: To og to. O Fairest delstaten Adam-Ondo-Ahman. To og to. O Fairest delstaten Adam-Ondo-Ahman.
Oversættelse: Old Joe har Gone Fishing. much arranged from both chorus and solo parts. It is a round, and the first challenge is the 7.
Oversættelse: Julen Lyrics. Joy To The World. O Little Town of Bethlehem. O Holy Night. C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S. O Bethlehem.
Oversættelse: Store Gospel - Sange og salmer. Hvisker han Søde Peace To Me. I Just Feel Like Something Good Is About To Happen.
Oversættelse: Store Hymns Of The Faith. O tilbede Kongen. O Gud, vores hjælp Ages Past. Vi prise dig, o Gud, vor Forløser.
Oversættelse: Alt hvad jeg ønsker for julen er mine to fortænder. Joy To The World. O Christmas Tree. To Me.
Oversættelse: C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S. O Come All Ye Faithful. O Come, O Come Immanuel. The First Noel. Forskellige.
Oversættelse: O Little Town of Bethlehem. O Holy Night. The First Noel. C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S. O Come, All Ye Faithful.
Oversættelse: Big Book of Christmas Songs for trompet. Break Forth, O Beauteous, himmelske lys. The First Noel. Joy To The World.
Oversættelse: Break Forth, O Beauteous, himmelske lys. C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S. The First Noel. Joy To The World.
Oversættelse: Break Forth, O Beauteous, himmelske lys. The First Noel. Joy To The World. O Christmas Tree.
Oversættelse: Fællesskab Song Book. O Come All Ye Faithful. O Nej, John. O, tilbede Kongen. Something To Remember You By.
Oversættelse: Guitar Strummers 'Christmas Songbook. O Christmas Tree. Joy To The World. O Little Town of Bethlehem. Forskellige.
Oversættelse: The Lyric Bibliotek. L-O-V-E. Love Theme from 'Titanic'. To Love You More. Baby, Come To Me.
Oversættelse: Big Book of Christmas Songs for cello. Break Forth, O Beauteous, himmelske lys. The First Noel. Joy To The World.