Oversættelse: 1960'erne. Beyond the Sea. The Name Spil. All My Loving. The Look Of Love. Beyond the Sea.
Oversættelse: The Keeper Of The Stars. Angel Of The Morning. Games People Play. Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain.
Oversættelse: Dronning. Bind Your Mother Down. We Are the Champions. The Show Must Go On. The Miracle. Love Of My Life.
Oversættelse: The Lyric Bibliotek. The Lyric Bibliotek. Latter in the Rain. Love Theme from 'Titanic'. Vision of Love.
Oversættelse: The Best Of Dronning For Guitar - Let Guitar. The Best Of Dronning For Guitar - Let Guitar af dronning. Dronning.
Oversættelse: Big Pop Instrumental Solos for klarinet. Så længe du Love Me. Jeg vil aldrig Break Your Heart. Faith of the Heart.
Oversættelse: E-Z spille i dag # 359. The Way We Were. Love Theme From 'Titanic'. Candle In The Wind 1997. How High The Moon.
Oversættelse: En anden Bites The Dust. En anden Bites The Dust. Somebody To Love. Bind Your Mother Down. Dronning.
Oversættelse: The Ultimate Song sider - Broadway, Film og TV. The Ultimate Song sider - Broadway, Film og TV. The Bare Necessities.
Oversættelse: The Ultimate Song Sider - Akustisk Guitar. The Ultimate Song Sider - Akustisk Guitar. Ancient, The. Crazy Love.
Oversættelse: All The Pretty Little Horses. All Through the Night. Amerika The Beautiful. The Ash Grove. The Boxer.
Oversættelse: 2000-2005 Bedste Pop Songs. The Game of Love. Over The Rainbow. The Real Thing. Soak Up The Sun.
Oversættelse: The Lyric Bog. The Lyric Bog. Kan ikke Help Falling in Love. Don't Fear the Reaper.
Oversættelse: Essential Songs - Mere af 1960'erne. The Birds and the Bees. Somebody To Love. Blowin 'In The Wind.
Oversættelse: Årti efter årti 100 Års Popular Hits. The Prayer. fra Walt Disneys The Lion King. Endless Love. The Prayer.
Oversættelse: Sange fra 1950'erne. I Walk the Line. Love Me Tender. Rock Around the Clock. En Teenager in Love.
Oversættelse: The Night At Goldman Spoke. Når jeg ikke er i nærheden af Girl I Love. fra 'The Pajama Game'.
Oversættelse: 152 af verdens smukkeste sange. Blowin 'in the Wind. Endless Love. Greatest Love of All. How High the Moon.