Oversættelse: Den Folksong Fake Book - C Edition. let-medium. All Through the Night. The Ash Grove. The Blue Tail Fly.
Oversættelse: The Lyric Bog. The Lyric Bog. Don't Fear the Reaper. The Fool on the Hill. Give Me One Reason.
Oversættelse: Library of børnesang Classics. let at let-medium. Let at læse sangtekster, klaver ordninger og guitar akkorder.
Oversættelse: The Movie Fake Book - 4. udgave. The Movie Fake Book - 4. udgave. The Firm - Main Title. Holding Out For A Hero.
Oversættelse: The Real Lille Ultimate Fake Book - 3rd Edition. The Real Lille Ultimate Fake Book - 3rd Edition. All Of Me.
Oversættelse: let-medium. All The Time. Angel Of The Morning. Vred All The Time. B.J. The D.J.. Behind The Tear.