Oversættelse: Riv. Do you know the way that I can't lose. med Tab Staff. Noder ved Smashing Pumpkins. Billy Corgan. Smashing Pumpkins.
Oversættelse: Gospel Salmebog, Volume 3. Er jeg en Soldier Of The Cross. For dem Tears jeg døde. Har Thine O Way, Lord.
Oversættelse: De mest efterspurgte sange. Blowin 'in the Wind. I Shot sheriffen. Tears in Heaven. The Way I Am.
Oversættelse: The Lyric Bibliotek. The Lyric Bibliotek. I Walk the Line. The Loco-Motion. En Teenager in Love.
Oversættelse: The Lyric Bibliotek. The Lyric Bibliotek. Always On My Mind. I Air Tonight. Latter in the Rain.
Oversættelse: Ukulele - de mest efterspurgte sange. Blowin 'in the Wind. The Banana Boat Song. I Shot sheriffen. Lost Uden U.
Oversættelse: Clapton Chronicles - The Best Of Eric Clapton af Eric Clapton. Tears in Heaven. River Of Tears. Get Lost.
Oversættelse: Mere af de nemme Forties Fake Book. Lost in the Stars. Once in Love with Amy. Cruising Down The River.
Oversættelse: Mere af det Easy halvtredserne Fake Book. En Teenager in Love. Hvorfor Fools Fall in Love. The Great Pretender.
Oversættelse: Piano Music af Bela Bartok - serie II. XIX. The Inn at Doboz. In Full Flower. Bela Bartok. Noder Klaver solo. Intermediate.
Oversættelse: The Ultimate Song sider - Broadway, Film og TV. The Ultimate Song sider - Broadway, Film og TV. Lad Sunshine In.
Oversættelse: --.
Oversættelse: All The Pretty Little Horses. All Through the Night. Amerika The Beautiful. The Ash Grove. The Boxer.
Oversættelse: The Rain i Spanien. Under the Sea. Dimming Of The Day. Here In My Heart. Hold On.
Oversættelse: The Lyric Bog. The Lyric Bog. Kan ikke Help Falling in Love. Come Rain eller Come Shine. Don't Fear the Reaper.
Oversættelse: Blowin 'in the Wind. Into The Great Wide Open. Across The Universe. Walk On The Wild Side.
Oversættelse: The Glory of Love. The Look of Love. The Very Thought of You. The Colour Of My Love. Lad os Get Lost.
Oversættelse: Nyd at lære at spille sange lettere end nogensinde med denne cut-to-the-chase notation. Straight From The Heart.